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Member Name: greencup
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Does it live up?
 Jun 7 2006, 07:06:32 AM
Ok- I'm going to NYC in a couple of weeks and we're seeing The Drowsy Chaperone, DRS, Blue Man, and maybe catching some matinees. Our concierge guy said that DC was the best show on broadway and we are lucky to have gotten tickets, that after the Tony's it will be impossible. I have heard great stuff about the show, but honestly....Does it live up to all of the hype? Or is it one of those that I'm going to be disappointed in?

Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
 May 28 2006, 01:39:24 PM
I can't believe all of you people who seriously think that taping musicals would in any way shape or form degrade or hinder the experience of going to a live show. I haven't read all of the posts, but it only took about the first 4 pages to realize the selfish ignorance of some people on here. That sounds a little harsh, I know, but honestly....When I was 10 years old, I saw the video of Joseph, and I fell in love with theatre. Since then, I saw every live production of it I could....because of
re: Next Disney Show
 Apr 17 2006, 01:35:52 PM
In my opinion, there are so many Disney movies that have great potential to make it on broadway. I love Aladdin, but I think it might be hard to pull it off on stage. It'd be really cool to see, though! I would like to see one of the classics, like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, or Alice in Wonderland! Pocohontas would be really good too! What can I say...I love Disney! Haha.
re: Roles you HATED playing...
 Apr 13 2006, 08:32:23 AM
I've never hated a role that I've played. I've been disapointed with some of the roles I've gotten, but once I make it my own and the character starts developing I start to love it. You can't make something believalbe if you can't find something you like in the character. That's how I look at it. It's hard to hate a role when you put so much into it.
re: Do people treat you like an oddity...
 Apr 5 2006, 04:52:51 PM
Thank you Namo! I'm so tired of people feeling sorry for themselves. Get over it! Who cares if people don't share the same intersts as you....the world would be a pretty boring place if everyone liked the same things. And you know that if everyone started getting into theatre, you would find something else to get obsessed with that few people like, so you could go back to your self pity "I'm too cool for the masses" jargon.

Ok...that was a little harsh, I suppose. Sorry.

re: NY Trip
 Apr 5 2006, 07:41:35 AM
I don't see how, as a parent, you could let your 9 year old sit through a show like Ave. Q! Granted some of the stuff would go over their heads, but kids repeat everything they hear at that young of an age, and I would die if I heard a child saying some of the stuff in that show. I'm not even close to being a parent, but that is just my observation. Ha. Not acceptable
re: Roles that you have played
 Apr 5 2006, 07:38:48 AM
What is your favorite leading role that you have played? Peter Pan

What is your least favorite rold that you have played? I've loved them all

What is your favorite supporting role that you have played? Madame de la Grande Bouche (Beauty and the Beast) or Marty (Grease)

What is your least favorite supporting role that you have played? How can you not like a role you are playing?

Have you played a role more that once? Nope

What role are you playing now?

re: Do people treat you like an oddity...
 Apr 5 2006, 07:31:13 AM
I've never really had that problem. Most of my friends are people that I have met doing shows and they've become like family, so the majority of the people I hang out with are involved in musical theatre and share the same love for it as I do. My other friends aren't as involved, but they support me. They may not own all of the obc recordings, or know the names of all the big broadway actors, but they make an effort to at least act interested whenever I'm talking about something theatre related.
re: NY Trip
 Apr 4 2006, 07:02:30 AM
Thanks Lorelai!
re: Bad Musical Ideas
 Apr 3 2006, 09:56:52 PM
Full House- The musical!
re: NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 09:53:43 PM
Wow, thanks anakela! What about Sweeney? Too intense?
re: NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 09:04:59 PM
Seen RENT. Thanks, though!
re: NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 08:31:30 PM
She's very mature for her age...if you met her you'd probably think she was 14 or 15.
re: Hmm,, what show??
 Apr 3 2006, 08:22:29 PM
I would say skip Phantom and try to catch Ave Q or Jersey Boys. I haven't seen Jersey Boys, but it is definately on my to do list. Avenue Q is a lot of fun but it is pretty raunchy, so if you're not into that kind of stuff, you might not like it. I personally do not care for Phantom, but I know a lot of people who love it.

re: High School Musical
 Apr 3 2006, 08:18:23 PM
Alright...I hate to say it, but I love the soundtrack! Excluding "Get Your Head in the Game"....and a couple of the other ones I can't think of the names.....there are some cute songs. Granted, they are extremely cheesy and far from challenging, but they are fun.

Did I seriously just admit that...

re: NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 08:16:05 PM
What about Jersey Boys? I've been really wanting to see it! Any questionable content?
re: NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 08:05:39 PM
I've seen Phantom...sorry, but not one that I would like to see again. And the Spelling Bee cast recording didn't impress me too much. I love Piazza, but I wasn't sure if a 12 yo would get bored. I'm please to hear that your 13 yo sister loved it! Maybe we'll have to hit that one up! Haha. And thanks for the heads up on Inishmore! Maybe I'll wait on that one.

Oh yeah....Ave Q! Seriously! I don't even feel comfortable with that one! Ha.

re: If You Could Dine With Any Broadway Star, Who Would You Pick?
 Apr 3 2006, 04:54:57 PM
If we can travel to the past my answer, without a doubt, would be Gene Kelly. Ah. I just want to dance with him.

NY Trip
 Apr 3 2006, 04:07:05 PM
I'm getting ready for a trip to NY and my family put me in charge of picking the shows (thank God! Ha). I was thinking we should get in 2 Broadway musicals, an off-broadway, and a straight play. I have to keep in mind that my 12 year old sister will be with us, so I'm trying to keep it pretty family friendly. What do you think?

Jersey Boys
I love you, You're perfect, Now change
Lieutenant of Inishmore

Any suggestions? Would any of these be

re: Anastasia on Broadway
 Apr 2 2006, 10:06:47 PM
Haha KJ you took the words right out of my mouth! Who cares how historically accurate a script is. It is an entertaining story with a great score and I would love to see it on Broadway! I think the reason that the other stage adaptations of this story didn't work was because they tried to make it to accurate. If they take a hint from the good ole' folks at Disney and make a light, fun, show I think it would work quite well!
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