
John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal- Page 2

John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#25re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 6:26pm

Well, I'm sure JLY knows better than Variety when his own contract ends. Typo.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#26re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 6:52pm

You people need to chill.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

#27re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 7:27pm

I agree with the poster regarding the chance to earn some serious money doing a T.V. show. It would be hard to turn down a chance like that. It probably would last long because I can't think of the last Broadway star who had a hit T.V. show. Its possible but even if a show is canceled, it does offer exposure to a wider audience and may help the box office of the next Broadway show that star appears in.

With JLS and NLB it would also give them a chance to rest their voices since I doubt if either one's show would involve singing. I dont' know if Young has had vocal problems but Norbert's have been discussed on several threads.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#28re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 7:32pm

John has said in several interviews that his voice has never been overly strained in the role to the point of any sort of injury. He has a very great voice teacher and goes through rigorous warm ups and downs every show.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#29re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 8:24pm

ETA: What I said before was judgemental and I should have been more supportive. JLY will be a blessing to any project he chooses to persue, and I truly believe that.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
Updated On: 7/31/06 at 08:24 PM

Corine2 Profile Photo
#30re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 9:53pm

I'm surprised at that comment. Why the negative vibes?
JLY is one of the nicest people I have ever met.
He does not deserve that treatment.

#31re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 9:59pm

Perhaps he feels that Mr. Cerveris should have won the Best Actor in a Musical Tony.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#32re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 10:04pm

I loved both men. Loved them. And they are very friendly to each other. There is no need to be rude.
Cerveris is a g-d, there is no reason to deny that.
But, DO NOT PICK ON JOHN. It is wrong.
I wish both of them great success.
Cerveris performed Tommy with Des and all of the other Jersey Boys. He is a great man and a known talent.
I am always happy when a newcomer has great success.
Cerveris has had success for many years and we all love him.
I admire JLY and wish him the best.
NY, will miss him.

#33re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 10:57pm

It's actually not that at all, Twang. PS, I'm not a he. re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal

I feel like whenever people get any sort of success in this business they head straight for Hollywood. Meanwhile, I have friends who feel as though they need to head to Hollywood FIRST, just so they can make it on Broadway. I get bitter when actors on broadway head for Hollywood after they become well known in this community.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#34re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 11:30pm

So he most likely will not extend...?

I<3bway Profile Photo
#35re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 11:37pm

Speaking of television contracts, does anyone know if Norbert is still going to be in that comedy series that he was going to star in?

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#36re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/28/06 at 11:51pm

Yes, Norbert is still on for that, after he finishes the first few stops on the DRS tour

Chrysan- I totally agree with you. It seems like Broadway is merely becoming a stepping stone for some actors. Dissapointing, but understandable.

I wish John the best of luck- but sincerely hope he will someday return to Broadway

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#37re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 12:09am

Sutton was offered a big bucks TV deal when she won her Tony and she turned it down to remain with theater. re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Corine2 Profile Photo
#38re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 12:56am

Sutton is the best. We are all glad she stayed in New York.
Gimmee gimmee more Sutton.
"She don't need to showoff no more" I love that woman!
PS: I love NYC and Broadway but if ABC offered me a contract to star in my own Talk Show, well honey I would pack my bags.
I would enroll in a frequent flyer program though.
I mean it's A B C. Dough re me. re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
1 2 3! I'd be packin my bags in 1 2 3!(Pre Thriller, Baby)
re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
***** quotes from The Jackson Five. re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal

Updated On: 7/29/06 at 12:56 AM

#39re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:29am

Sometimes it's not just greed or a desire for outsized fame that makes stage actors want to do things other than theater. Some actors simply want the challenge of working in another medium.

Although admittedly, the big money helps. Still, that doesn't mean they'll never come back.

Besides, the Brits do it all the time and nobody bats an eye.
Updated On: 7/29/06 at 01:29 AM

#40re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:30am

Oh, I know about Sutton! It made me all the more proud to be a Broadway baby when she turned those contracts down. Just made me love her all the more. That's not to say she won't ever do tv, but come on! She is Broadway through and through.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#41re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:37am

There's also the possibility that Sutton turned those projects down because they sucked.

Dame Judy Dench said that she very much wanted to do movies as a young actress but the movies didn't want her. She said she was told that she was too short, pump and plain to be a film actress.

So if even the great Dames can admit to wanting to go Hollywood, I can't see that as being ALL bad. Especially if they don't do just ANYTHING for a hefty paycheck.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#42re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:39am

Remember when Michael Cerveris was on FAME?
I really thought He was a Brit.
Let's see what they do with JLY.
Since he has been missing a lot of Shows
maybe TV is his Medium.

#43re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:45am

Yes, actually. MICHAEL CERVERIS didn't start his career on Broadway, but on television with Fame. There is a difference. He came from tv and ended up on Broadway.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#44re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:48am

Television is EVERYONE's medium. Even sainted Audra has done it.

And why is everyone acting like Ethel Barrymore? I thought the days were long gone when stage actors were these huge snobs who thought they were somehow lowering themselves to do movies or TV.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#45re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:51am

TV loved Ethel
Actors should work
and show up for work
Like Cerveris

#46re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:54am

Not counting his extra days off, just how many shows has JLY missed? Anybody know? I thought his record was pretty good until recently.

#47re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:57am

That is absolutely not true. I can honestly say television ISN'T everyone's medium. Like I said, I know many people, including myself who feel they should try to do a few tv shows to help out getting on Broadway. Beleive it or not, some people dream of making a career out of doing live theatre. It isn't snobbery, it's just a preference. I never said it was "lowering themselves". Actors just happen to have a preferred media. Some do use Broadway as stepping stones. And in Suttons, case. She didn't turn it down beacause it was "lowering herself", but because Broadway was her dream and when the offer came, she had only done Millie and had only just "arrived" on Broadway. She actually turned down playing Eponine on Broadway to understudy and be in the chorus of Millie. ...She really is the best!

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#48re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 2:13am

You're right that some people have a preferred meduim. But even if you love theater with all your heart, that doesnt' mean it's impossible for you to want to try something else.

I mean, what's wrong with that?

I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that Sutton Foster didn't turn down those other projects because she loves theater so much that she can't stomach the thought of doing anything else, but because the quality just wasn't there.

I don't understand why preferring theater means that's all you should want to do. I know a few struggling actors and none of them want to be limited one medium.

#49re: John Lloyd Young Signs TV deal
Posted: 7/29/06 at 2:22am

Sutton has said a hundred times that she seriously considered things and just didn't like the idea of leaving Broadway. Maybe it had something do with Christian, I can't say. I can only go on what she has stated publicly.

I don't think it's a bad thing to want to do television. Especially in say Norberts case when you are trained in straight drama yet seem to be doing musical after musical. I don't begrudge people wanting to move to Hollywood and do film and theatre. Especially if they are having trouble finding work in New York. Who the hell WOULD want to be an out of work actor in New York when there is possibilites of a job in LA.

I am saying that people who barely get their feet wet here in one succesfull Broadway show really annoy me when they start humming the LA tune. And call me cynical, but I can't help to think the choice is often a financial and prideful choice.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
