
Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage- Page 3

Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage

freeadmission Profile Photo
#50re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 9:29pm

The whole conversation in DRS between Murial and Andre: "riding me corss-eyed like a glorious French stallion" and such. Especially the "and they make cheese too!"


#51re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 10:31pm

My favorite Bway moments remain in my mind to this day. They include: Merman's Everything's Comin Up Roses and Rose's Turn from Gypsy, Streisand's I'm The Greatest Star and Dont Rain On My Parade caused audience outbursts during and after the numbers. The opening scenes of Fiddler, Lion King and Ragtime are also high on my list of thrilling theatrical moments.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#52re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 11:50pm

The Light In The Piazza spoof in Forbidden Broadway makes me howl (and I liked the show)
When Jeanne does the Lennon's Diva Lament. Give her a piece, not peace a chance.

AnnaB Profile Photo
#53re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/24/06 at 11:58pm

The entire "Ruprecht" scene in DRS. And of course when Freddie Benson is trying on the clothing during "Chimp in a Suit".

"You're Timeless to Me" from Hairspray - the night I saw it John Pinette's boobs had fallen out of place. He dramatically re-adjuested himself during the strings part before "you'll always be first string" and Stephen DeRosa lost it. They were barely able to finish the song.

#54re: Favorite jaw-dropping or hilarious moments onstage
Posted: 1/25/06 at 12:01am

ANY scene in DRS with Norbert. The first time I saw that show, I was sore for laughing so hard. And the first time I saw Patti sing "By The Sea" in the revival of Sweeney.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL
