Boston Bee-Who's going?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#50re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 3:27am

Goodbye, SF/Boston Bee! re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

catharsis Profile Photo
#51re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 5:03pm

Hey, y'all! I just got back from the show. It was absolutely incredible. I've never seen the cast so energetic and having so much fun. Stanley Bahorek was the most emotional, cracking up several times (out of character).

The guest spellers were okay. There was this one lady who decided she'd REALLY play along, trying to sing with the cast and act along. I'm glad they finally eliminated her because I think the cast didn't exactly like her. However, she did have a nice introduction; "Miss----- was Susan Somer's(sp?) body double in Thighmaster 3."
I volunteered to be a speller (and felt bad for all the lies I told), but didn't get picked.

A few different words were used today. I don't think I've heard indigent in awhile. And instead of the infamous 'caterjunes,' 'smoogligan' was used. Also, instead of 'xerophthalmiology', 'lysergic acid diethylamide' was in its place. The sentence for 'apoop' was great, but hopefully someone else can post it; all I know is that 'Guido' had to go 'apoop'.

Logainne's rant was nice and long, utilizing magnetic finger puppets that Greta Lee got Sara for her birthday. She dropped them, but recovered well ("They're magnetic..but not to my fingers"). It involved Condi and Bush discussing movies (Happy Feet, Dreamgirls, and something else).
Pandemonium was more nuts than usual and The I Love You Song was so perfect and heartbreaking.
During the Comfort Counselor's Prayer, James Monroe Iglehart did an awesome run at the end of the song. The cast began whooping and clapping, and he broke character to say (paraphrasing)"makin' it good for the final time."
It was very sad at the end, as a lot of the actors were getting teary during the finale. Stanley and Greta kept wiping away tears.

I chilled (and I do mean chilled-no coat) at the stage door to tell the actors how much I appreciated their performance. The pianist and I had a nice chat (she should get more credit). Everyone took awhile to come out, but they talked with the few who were there. There were three girls who gave them presents and had seen the show many, many times. Aaron J. Albano recognized me, asked my name, and we chatted for a bit. He's so pleasant. As soon as I said 'hi,' he just walked over and hugged me. The actors were very into hugging today.

While waiting for Sara, Betsy Wolfe's dad and I had a nice conversation (don't know how that happened). He was so surprised that you don't have to drive everywhere here! He said that Fresno is about 2 hours from everything, and they drive everywhere. In Boston, you can take the train or walk.

All in all, that was my day at the bee. Sorry for the length (this must be the longest post I've made), poor grammar/word selection, and random, unorganized rambling, as I'm in a rush.
I'll try to fix it later, and I'd love to find out who was there today (if I saw any of you guys and didn't know it).

Here are the finger puppets:
re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

Oh! I've got some cute pictures of the cast that I'll post later when I can resize them. Updated On: 12/31/06 at 05:03 PM

#52re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 5:13pm

Hey-I was there as well. My thirteenth and probably final time. The performance was absolutely amazing-probably the best I've seen. Not too much to add except that I was Marigold Coneybear for my second time (it's great to know that I'm the very last Marigold), and I was sitting in the front row and during Pandemonium, after the whole thing with Leaf's mom, Stanley came over to me with the trophy and when James tapped on him to give it back he said, "BUT SHE TOOK IT!".

Oh, I'm going to miss this show and especially this cast more than I can probably say. I apologized to Aaron for ruining his life twice and he said "Oh, I love it when you ruin my life!"...

A lot more that I'm probably forgetting, but I'm kind of dazed out right now...

catharsis Profile Photo
#53re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 5:26pm

Aha, yellibean, you're the 13 performance person! I remember the "ruin my life" comment- I was standing right behind you the whole time! Small world, huh? re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

I think you might be in some of my pictures. I'll have to check. It's definitely neat you were the last Marigold. I've been her twice, and have yet to eat my candy.

Edit: OH! I was the one who took the pictures for your group! Really small world.
Updated On: 12/31/06 at 05:26 PM

#54re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 5:38pm

Yeah, I thought that was you! I heard you telling Aaron that you were Marigold twice and I thought, "wow! I'm not the only one!"
Updated On: 12/31/06 at 05:38 PM

catharsis Profile Photo
#55re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 6:19pm

ha. re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

Okay, I've got a few pictures.
Here's one you're in, Yelli.
re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

Here's Aaron. I'm in the original picture, but I looked really bad.
re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

Jared showing some of us what he did to his Yankees hat upon coming to Boston. We unanimously agreed that it was a good idea.
re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

I have pictures of the others, but they aren't that great.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#56re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 6:22pm

AWW! Thank you!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

catharsis Profile Photo
#57re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 12/31/06 at 6:26pm

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

Stay tuned for a couple more later, but now I have to go do some things.

Edit, hours later: Some technical difficulties, so what ever other pictures I have will have to wait until tomorrow.
Updated On: 1/1/07 at 06:26 PM

#58re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 1/1/07 at 4:57pm

catharsis- thank you for taking our pictures! (: That's me with the braids and the gift bag in the first picture you posted.

Yesterday was my sixth time in Boston, seventh overall. (I saw it in NYC- it was soooo much better here.) I'm going to miss the cast so much. ):

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#59re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 1/1/07 at 5:04pm

That picture of Stanley is sooo cute. :]

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

#60re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 1/1/07 at 5:08pm

I miss Stanley as Leaf so much. Here's hoping we see him in as good a role soon! - most underrated performers on broadway

catharsis Profile Photo
#61re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 1/1/07 at 6:47pm

fishness- You're welcome! I think the cast enjoyed their gifts. re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

After some Mac to PC conversion problems, here's a few more.

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
(I'm in the red sweater)

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

re: Boston Bee-Who's going?

It's sad that they didn't get a longer run here, considering the SF run. Boston theatre really hasn't been doing well in the past few years.
Updated On: 1/1/07 at 06:47 PM

#62re: Boston Bee-Who's going?
Posted: 1/1/07 at 7:28pm

Thanks for the pictures (and for taking ours)! They're really great.

I miss them already. It's going to be so weird without seeing it every week...I'm upset that we didn't get more time like SF, but then at the same time, I guess we were just lucky to have our own, absolutely fantastic, production, as brief as it may have been.
