Title of Show

UglyBetty Profile Photo
#50re: [title of show]
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:32pm

The producers of TOS did move it to broadway thinking, lets make millions of dollars. The show capitalized around 1 million and I'm guessing they said, lets throw a little money at a fun little show and just have some fun.

The show went to Broadway because thats what the show is about- going to broadway, of course it has to. If the producers didnt throw any money at it- the story wouldnt have been complete.

Its a project of love- if you got the money and the connections-why not. If you a problem with that- shut the ***k up and go see Wicked.

Insider2 Profile Photo
#51re: [title of show]
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:00pm

If it is a project of love, then let them give away every single ticket for free like at the Delacorte instead of charging $111.50 and up to $201.50 for premium tickets. Get real.

UglyBetty Profile Photo
#52re: [title of show]
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:20pm

if that's too expensive for your taste I'm sure there are cheaper seats. Its all about value. If you dont value being that close to the action, then don't pay it.

There are some 26.50 seats if that suits your taste better.

And just to point out one major difference, HAIR at the Delacourt is being produced by a Non-Profit company. They don't have investors to pay back.

The producers also don't get the theater for free- do you really think the theater owners are going to rent their theater to a show and have them not make any money- especially since theater owners get a percentage of ticket sales.

Plus I'm not waiting all day to go see Hair. Time=Money=Hair is very expensive.

6-7 hrs in line x ($20.00/hour)=a very expensive ticket.

Insider2 Profile Photo
#53re: [title of show]
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:39pm

Obviously the Public is a non-profit, but thanks for the theatre lesson. Was simply reponding to your argument, which is that it is not about money....it is, according to you, "a project of love". If that is the case, let them flood New York with free tickets to their project of love. Obviously, this will never happen, because your argument is flawed. It is certainly just as much about making money as any other show, and unfortunately, it is not making much of that at all.

AlgonquinProd2 Profile Photo
#54re: [title of show]
Posted: 9/3/08 at 7:50pm

I think it's kind of ridiculous for fans of one show to denigrate another as proof of how much better their favorite is. "Wicked" is a terrific show, created by a team of professionals. For my money, so is "title of show". "Wicked", for what it's worth, will run about fifteen years longer. That doesn't mean it's necessarily better, but it sure doesn't mean it's worse. I think it's enough to say you love 'title of show' without badmouthing something else.
