
Will Broadway always be "gay"?- Page 4

Will Broadway always be "gay"?

steveshack Profile Photo
#75re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 12:57pm

I think it's awful when straight boys who enjoy theatre get the "you're gay" label thrown at them. For one thing, it puts them in a terrible position. First, they have to go through this whole "denial" thing, which always sounds homophobic even though they usually aren't. (I've found most theater lovers are simply more intelligent and open than the average person). And secondly, it makes it harder for them to have to imagine that girls are always wondering if they're with a gay guy just because their boyfriend is cultured and smart.

It also prevents a lot of straight boys who might otherwise be very good patrons of the arts from entering the theater world early in their formative years.

winston89 Profile Photo
#76re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 4:57pm

There was a girl in my school who does ballet. She told me that the only guys in her class are gay. She said that there a loads of hot girls there. All a straight guy has to do is show up to one of those classes and the girls are all over you. You don't even have to be that attractive a guy they don't care. As long as your striaght they are ther wanting you.

It's true that a lot of striaght guys can easilly get a girl whilst preforing in theatre. There are a lot of gay guys around. The girls want any guy who isn't gay ( which is hard in the world of the theatre) and straight guys just want a girl.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#77re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 5:00pm

beg to differ with someone who posted that film television etc is not as accepting to homosexuality. Damn 50% of entertainment is comprised of homosexuals in all aspects of the film making process.

#78re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 5:18pm

What I never got is: when did the whole gay-musical theatre thing begin? I mean, was there a time when there like an influx of gay people in this field, and thus from then on musical theatre became part of the gay stereotype?



"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" -- The Beatles

"Be the change you want to see in the world" -- Mahatma Gandhi

"Celebrate Earth Day, every day" -- John Denver

"Don't let them mold your mind, they want to control mankind, seems like their only intention is to exploit the earth; and you trust in their deceit, your mind causes your defeat, and so you become an invention to distort this earth; propoganda and lies, is a plague in our lives, how much more victimized, before we realize (hey) ... they'll make it attractive, to get man destracted, corrupting your (soul), polluting your (soul), destroying (your soul, mind control) ... ooh grand master, let the people go, you put them in total confusion, to downs-troy their soul; for they practise what you preach, so they're always in your reach, hi-tech slavery in these days, its mind control" -- Stephen Marley
Updated On: 1/15/07 at 05:18 PM

#79re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 5:27pm

In the 80's it was a sign of status to have seats to Les Miz. And it wasn't associated with homosexuality.

jasonf Profile Photo
#80re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 6:08pm

Back when I was single, I definitely wished I had more theatrical talent along with my obsession, considering the ratio of straight guys to women in theater.

Then again, I ended up meeting my girlfriend on here anyway, so I guess that DID work out for me (I almost said in the end, but that would have brought another whole rash of gay jokes -- and yes, I said rash. I can't win).

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#81re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 6:45pm

>> was there a time when there like an influx of gay people in this field

I cant say for sure, but I'd bet sometime in the 40s, when gays were excluded from the armed forces and straight men were off in Europe during WW2. It was the same time when we saw an influx in women as factory workers.

Now, to be sure, there have always been gays in theatre, but I'd say that prior to the 40s, we were mostly in design and choreography and rarely accepted onstage (Remember: it was illegal, even as late as 1945, to show, or even suggest, homosexuality on the stage) or in positions as directors or producers.


gman07 Profile Photo
#82re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 7:58pm

Oh Palease, who gives a rat’s a_s? There are homosexuals everywhere, so what? Does being homosexual make you a bad person? NO! Does it make you immoral? NO! Is it there fault? (Not saying there is a fault) NO! I have many gay friends that I love and many straight friends that I love. There is no difference to me. I could care less about a person's sexuality. It is no ones business. As far as theater goes, there are lots of straight actors in musical theater, lots!

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#83re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/15/07 at 10:18pm

beg to differ with someone who posted that film television etc is not as accepting to homosexuality. Damn 50% of entertainment is comprised of homosexuals in all aspects of the film making process.

The difference is that they have to keep it a secret if they want to keep getting work, while in theatre you can be open about your whole self and be embraced and respected for who you are.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
