Will Broadway always be "gay"?

benjamin_barker Profile Photo
#1Will Broadway always be "gay"?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 4:11am

Okay it's probably a gross generalisation - although, as a theatre fag myself, perhaps not! - but we all know that a solid proportion (some might say overwhelming majority) of guys in (and into) the theatre industry, and more specifically musicals, are gay, or perceived to be that way.

I'm wondering whether people think this is just the way things are, or if its as much because straight guys are less likely to feel comfortable acting in, and enjoying, something perceived to be so gay? And, if so, do you reckon that in years to come, theatre won't be so closely associated with homosexuality?

Weird topic, I know.

"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays..." - - Tobias, "Sweeney Todd"

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#2re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 4:34am

Will football always be "straight"?

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
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SeanMartin Profile Photo
#2re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 6:36am

Football is straight? re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?


bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#3re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 7:20am

I hope you're only speaking from the men's perspective here. Musicals are also appealing to straight women (and gay). Also-I know straight guys who go, without their wives (they have none) to Broadway shows.
I don't think it's just "gay" men who go. It also depends on the show, I think, too.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

christine_c Profile Photo
#4re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 8:44am

This topic has come up in conversation between me and my friends before. People always get all insulted when I mention that some people think theatre is a "gay" thing. Yes, theatre appeals to everyone, but if a man is interested in theatre, a lot of people will joke, even if it is in their heads, about his sexuality. I mean, I myself wouldn't, but people do. I mean, if a man is interested in theatre and turns out to be gay, you know someone would think, "Well, that explains that."

To answer the question and stop rambling, I think theatre will be "gay" for a long time, if not always. People just can't look past the gay Broadway stars to the straight ones, I guess.

Then again, gays are getting accepted in society a little more each day, so maybe along with that, people will stop being so stereotypical.

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#5re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 8:55am

"Then again, gays are getting accepted in society a little more each day"

Not in this country, I'm afraid. After three decades of considerable progress, the pendulum of public opinion is beginning to swing back. I foresee hardships in the imminent future for the gays of this here land of the free.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
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Salve, Salve Regina
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O clemens O pia

christine_c Profile Photo
#6re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 8:56am

Okay. A very, very, very little more each day?

... ahh, just let me pretend.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#7re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 8:57am

I think the proper answer to your question is that theatre will always be ACCEPTING, whereas other mediums (film, TV, sports) are far from acceptance of people who are different. The reason why gay people stand out so much in the theatre is because it is one of very few mediums in which they are seen as equals and in which they receive equal recognition, regardless of their sexual orientation or personal relationships.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#8re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 8:58am

I think a part of the reason that the fan-base is primarily gay is because it's a place to fit in for young people who are isolated from the people around them.

As a straight man, I couldn't care less about what Broadway is or isn't. It's a passion and everyone has passion - gay, straight, bi, whatever. So I think people should follow their heart to find their passions, and mine lead me here and I absolutely love it.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#9re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:02am

As a straight man you have a Lesbian avitar.
Updated On: 1/13/07 at 09:02 AM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#10re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:08am

I mean, I myself wouldn't, but people do. I mean, if a man is interested in theatre and turns out to be gay, you know someone would think, "Well, that explains that."

To answer the question and stop rambling, I think theatre will be "gay" for a long time, if not always. People just can't look past the gay Broadway stars to the straight ones, I guess.

Then again, gays are getting accepted in society a little more each day, so maybe along with that, people will stop being so stereotypical.

If "people" like you were to stop tossing out generalizations every 2 seconds about "people", then "people" wouldn't "just" feel a certain way. It comes from somewhere. "People" don't "just" think and say things for no reason at all. It's because "people" spread these generalizations around that they remain existent in the first place.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#11re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:14am

>> Not in this country, I'm afraid. After three decades of considerable progress, the pendulum of public opinion is beginning to swing back. I foresee hardships in the imminent future for the gays of this here land of the free.

Not to turn this into an OT thread, Im not so sure. After nearly seven years of a government lying to us about everything from the Middle East to the casual emails between a congressman and his pages, the last election proved that folks, even in the heartland, arent quite so ready to jump on the anti-gay bandwagon when it's so clearly tied to political gain. I'm not saying it's all wine and roses, but the "definition of marriage" movement is losing more and more steam as people suddenly see the *real* issues facing us. Couple that with the wider acceptance of gays and lesbians in general, and the only folks pushing for shoving us back into the closet are the ones that are part of a smaller and smaller part of the body politic.


christine_c Profile Photo
#12re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:16am

I apologize. I wasn't trying to be offensive.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#13re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:20am


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#14re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:34am

And yet, SeanMartin, this past mid-term election seven more states (Idaho, Colorado, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin) approved an amendment to ban gay marriage. They join Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oregon who all approved a similar amendment back in 2004.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

benjamin_barker Profile Photo
#15re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:41am

I guess, then, we should at least be thankful that the world of musicals DOES recognise my people as equals, given that I do feel - based on all those states passing such amendments - that we're in some kind of re-Puritan world (although, contrary to this, Europe is seeing a rush of support for gay rights laws, and so is a lot of the world).

Eh, I'm an optimist: I like to think that this is incredibly temporary, and once these people are out of power, they'll catch up to the rest of the "Western" world.

At least we can't be stoned to death for homosexuality. At least not legally.

"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays..." - - Tobias, "Sweeney Todd"

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#16re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 9:42am

At least, not yet.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

#17re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 10:17am

i think anything that has to do with conjuring up beauty from nothing comes directly from the ancient queer spirit.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#18re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 10:31am

>> And yet, SeanMartin, this past mid-term election seven more states (Idaho, Colorado, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin) approved an amendment to ban gay marriage. They join Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Utah, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oregon who all approved a similar amendment back in 2004.

But if you look at the voter spread, it's moving in our favour. Again, I'm not saying it's perfect, but more and more people on all sides of the political spectrum are finally seeing this for the canard it truly is. Even conservatives are finally recognizing that this isnt part of the true conservative agenda, but rather that of the religious fundamentalist -- and the conservatives are starting to distance themselves from that.


BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#19re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 11:13am

Will Broadway always be gay?

God, I hope so.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#20re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 11:21am

I don't know about Broadway, but your avatar makes me feel gay in a very special kind of way, benjamin.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

#21re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 11:40am

And Hollywood isn't?

jasonf Profile Photo
#22re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 11:47am

As a straight male who loves theater, I've wondered this myself. I DO think, though, that one of the distinguishing marks of straight male theater goers is education. I doubt there are many people without a good education who enjoy theater (whatever their orientation), but I think that that is especially true amongst straight males.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#23re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 11:55am

Is this a trick question?

Poster Emeritus

scot Profile Photo
#24re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
Posted: 1/13/07 at 1:15pm

"If musical is mostly Gay men...and for the most part it is..." - Harvey Fierstein

There are plenty of straight men
in the theater, just alot more
gay men!

What straight man sits at home
and puts on a Ethel Merman record?

re: Will Broadway always be 'gay'?
