
Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call- Page 5

Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call

defygravity24 Profile Photo
#100Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/24/10 at 7:34pm

I once did that at shrek last summer but only because I had to catch a train before it got too late that they don't run as often. I felt so bad!

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#101Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/25/10 at 12:39pm

Dear Baby Jesus,

Please tell me I'm not arguing with someone that hasn't graduated from high school...like that time I unknowingly got into it with a 13-year-old about My Fair Lady.

"first, you layer assumption upon assumption (who leaves, why they leave, how often they leave)"

This is either a flat out lie (because I haven't said ANYTHING about ANY of that...go back and check) or you are truly incapable of comprehending the written word.

And as for the slavery thing, I just piggybacked on Jane's point...mostly cause I thought it would be fun to watch you get your panties in a twist.

And it was. So. Much. Fun.
