
Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call

Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call

phantom39 Profile Photo
#1Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 12:41pm

During a performance of NEXT FALL last week I was shocked to see almost all of the orchestra leave right when the lights went out, before curtain call.. By the time the cast got to the BC/EFA announcement the orchestra was pretty much 40% full. The same happened when I saw PROMISES, but you hardly notice people leave at the gigantic BROADWAY. I thought it was extremely rude. Anyone experienced the same?

"Movies will make you famous; television will make you rich; but theatre will make you good." - Terrence Mann.

winston89 Profile Photo
#2Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 12:55pm

Yet another tourist theatre thing done that is very annoying and rude. Right up there with the standing O that is usually not warranted at shows yet given anyways.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#2Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:04pm

I've been guilty of this- but to be fair I was up in the balcony... I was rushing out to get to the front of the barricades at the stage door, specifically for "Behanding in Spokane."

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#3Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:04pm

Leaving before curtain call is rude, but if you're dying to pee or have something pressing to get to, I suppose its okay.

Off topic story: Tennessee Williams was initially not very happy with the original production of CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. When opening night happened, some audience members left the theatre before curtain call to find a drunk playwright in the lobby screaming at them, "THAT'S RIGHT! THAT'S RIGHT!! LIKE RATS FLEEING THE SINKING SHIP!!!"

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#4Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:19pm

God, I am embarrassed for saying this, but I left at the end of the curtain call for Legally Blonde, like right before that "Our work here is done.." so I could get a good spot in the barricades. What a loser!

#5Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:30pm

Not just a tourist thing, Winston. Happens all the time here in Houston after shows. Very sad to see. At In The Heights the other night, they did the BC/EFA speech to a half-empty house (it was sold out before).

Next season, they're starting our weeknight shows at 7:30pm. Wonder if that will make any difference...

Probably not.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#6Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:30pm

It is very disrespectful when people do it, but it;s apparently just something that always happens.

Weez Profile Photo
#7Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:53pm

*sigh* Obviously some people are doing it because they consider themselves to be VERY important and simply MUST get out of the theatre before EVERYONE else, but I wish members of this board wouldn't continually tar ALL curtain-call leavers with the same brush. Sometimes, the difference between leaving before the curtain-call and waiting for everyone to have their bow can be two hours in a draughty train station. It can be getting back to your home town before the last bus leaves. It can be getting home at a sensible hour rather than still travelling at 1am. How about giving people the benefit of the doubt for once?

winston89 Profile Photo
#8Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 1:57pm

Ceej, I was comparing it more to off Broadway shows that attract a more local audience rather then tourists. I am a member of 59E59 theatres and never, during my time in going there, have I ever seen a standing O or people leaving the second the show is over. I am sure it happens in other places as well. But, I haven't been there so I don't know.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#9Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 2:02pm

I saw someone leave early at Lestat, but I can't say I blamed him.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#10Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 2:07pm

Winston - no argument there. I was just adding that tourists aren't the only ones who do it, but it does seem like it happens on a bigger scale at the more commercial shows - even here.

It really irritates me when it's a production with younger actors or kids, like "Oliver!" or a recent local production of "The Sound of Music." They may not deserve the standing O, but at least be respectful.

#11Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 2:13pm

i saw someone leave during the Finale of Miss Saigon!!! i was like... uh you stayed for the entire show and then you decide to leave?! it was weird...

BroadwayGuy12 Profile Photo
#12Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 3:29pm

It really bothers me when people try to exit before curtain call, especially if they're in the middle of the row and make others get up so that they can leave. Is it really that taxing to stay another two minutes or so? There were plenty of people leaving ANYONE CAN WHISTLE and NEXT FALL prior to curtain call when I saw them recently.

But maybe I just don't get it because I love curtain calls--they're unique to live theatre, and it's always one of my favorite parts of seeing a Broadway show.

newintown Profile Photo
#13Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 3:35pm

Well - Anyone Can Whistle... I often wish that more of the Encores crowd got up early to leave, so it wouldn't take half an hour to get out of that theatre. Not only are the exits narrow and choked, the audience is excessively lame and halt...

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#14Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 3:39pm

Borstal, the problem is that people rationalize beating the crowd to the parking garage as "something pressing to get to".

Last weekend, I was seeing a play in a 350-seat theatre and a couple got up to leave as soon as the curtain call started. They were in the second row on the center aisle, and the stage was only a foot off the ground, so their exit was not only in the actors' face, but it blocked the curtain call for the respectful audience. I saw a few actors openly glaring.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Jane2 Profile Photo
#15Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 3:41pm

I think it's EXTREMELY rude. How about showing the people who worked so hard to entertain you a little appreciation? Is it SO important that you be first on line for your coat? First to hail a cab? Oh, I think it's SO inconsiderate.

Fortunately, I don't see too many patrons leaving early from off broadway houses.


uncageg Profile Photo
#16Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 4:13pm

It happens here from time to time. We have a parking lot that is a bear to get out of so some people tend to rush out so they aren't sitting in the garage for 20 minutes or more to get out. But for the most part, people will stay for the curtain call unless the show just wasn't that good. They have started staggering showtimes at the DCPA so it isn't so bad.

I have been in a cast, 4 actually, and on crutches since late Feb. I felt bad when I left during the curtain call for "Mary Poppins" but I needed to get to the elevator to get up to the lobby and out before the rush. I will most likely do the same next week for "In The Heights".

Just give the world Love.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#17Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 4:22pm

I'm even going to go so far as to say the curtain call is part of the show. If you leave before it's over, you didn't stay for the entire show!


#18Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 5:22pm

If someone has to leave immediately due to an emergency (restroom, text msg from family due to illness, or something that would cause a theatergoer to have to make a fast exit) then it is acceptable. I think that the Curtain Call in a play/musical is a signature mark or exclamation point to the entire production and has much value and credit to it. It is similar to a film credit roll with music at the end of a movie.

It is facinating to watch the curtain calls because each production does it with their own identity. The final bow and curtain close is fantastic because the actors/performers are in such high adrenaline mode that they punch out everything they have left, sweat and all to make the audience leave fully satisfied and entertained. But, if someone wants to hit the stage door for a good spot to get an autograph, then maybe they should purchase a ticket near an exit door or in a location where it would not be too noticable to hit it at the stage door for pics and signings.

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#19Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 5:32pm

Minority view: I paid my 150 to 270 bucks to buy tickets, so damn it, if I have the chance to get out before curtain call (especially for those many productions where, well, my applause would be disingenuous at best) then I am out of there! (How else will I make my Bar Centralle reservation on time?) My only consideration: will it be difficult to get out or a nuisance to those around me.

There are a great many productions deserving of proper applause. However, I believe comments like "[i]f you leave before it's over, you didn't stay for the entire show!" are a tad bit histrionic.
Updated On: 4/20/10 at 05:32 PM

Weez Profile Photo
#20Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 5:39pm

*sigh* Obviously some people are doing it because they consider themselves to be VERY important and simply MUST get out of the theatre before EVERYONE else, but I wish members of this board wouldn't continually tar ALL curtain-call leavers with the same brush. Sometimes, the difference between leaving before the curtain-call and waiting for everyone to have their bow can be two hours in a draughty train station. It can be getting back to your home town before the last bus leaves. It can be getting home at a sensible hour rather than still travelling at 1am. How about giving people the benefit of the doubt for once?

jv92 Profile Photo
#21Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 8:03pm

You know it's funny, the old time theatregoers at Encores! are the worst offenders.

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#22Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 8:15pm

I remember when I saw "Company" at the 5th Avenue in Seattle...I was sitting just a few rows back of center orchestra on my first night and a few people got up to leave before the curtain call. They stayed for maybe the first two bows and were gone well before the curtain call ended with the reprise of the title song. Their loss.

I've only left before a Broadway curtain call completed once and that was because I was sitting in the very last row of the upper mezzanine at a show and I was expected backstage after....and I knew from past experience how insanely long it can take to get down from the upper mezzanine. However, I was sitting only one seat in from the aisle and, at intermission, I had asked the person next to me if they would mind if I slipped out of the aisle as soon as the show ended. I also got out of my aisle and down the steps as quietly as possible during the curtain call.

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#23Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 8:37pm

I hope the audience in the Richard Rodgers mezzanine moves quickly? I sit in the front row center (front mezzanine) and I want to make it to the stage door in time to meet Olga.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#24Audience members leaving their seats before curtain call
Posted: 4/20/10 at 10:19pm

"Minority view: I paid my 150 to 270 bucks to buy tickets, "

I get the feeling that you'd be the first to bolt out of there if you paid $1.00.

