
Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door- Page 5

Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#100Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 8:08pm

Chita was just plain wonderful at the stage door today- It took a little while (about 2 hours), but she was soo extremely kind and thanked everyone for waiting. She was full of energy and not at all the old lady Hogan seems to think she is. She moves around like a women in her 50’s. During the wait, people kept coming up to us asking who we were waiting on, after telling 6 different people who was coming out, I started saying that Beyonce was inside- and one lady actually believed me and waited for a while. One lady came up and asked who we were waiting on and when we said Chita Rivera, she replied “What’s a Chita Rivera, Is that a person?”.

Darreyl with an L!

#101Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 5/15/15 at 6:58pm

"Chita was just plain wonderful at the stage door today- It took a little while (about 2 hours), but she was soo extremely kind and thanked everyone for waiting. She was full of energy and not at all the old lady Hogan seems to think she is. She moves around like a women in her 50’s. During the wait, people kept coming up to us asking who we were waiting on, after telling 6 different people who was coming out, I started saying that Beyonce was inside- and one lady actually believed me and waited for a while. One lady came up and asked who we were waiting on and when we said Chita Rivera, she replied “What’s a Chita Rivera, Is that a person?”. "

 That's so great. It's been a while since I have seen Chita in a show and I couldn't tell if her moving slowly was her aging or her acting for the role. I saw her after the show and was astounded that it was acting. I was also relieved lol. So cool that she came out and signed for you guys even two hours after the show. She's always been such a class act.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#102Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 5/21/15 at 5:57pm

Does she come out between shows?

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!! www.ebay.com/usr/missvirginiahamm

quizking101 Profile Photo
#103Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 5/21/15 at 5:57pm

Does she come out between shows?

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!! www.ebay.com/usr/missvirginiahamm

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#104Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 5/23/15 at 9:05am

^ and does she pose for pictures?


I think it's just plain wonderful that she comes out after the show! I really admire that!

#105Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 5/23/15 at 10:33am

I don't know if she comes out between shows, but when I went last month she posed for pictures! 
