
Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???- Page 5

Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#100re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 12:32am

"To all of the detractors, why does Idina Menzel's fan following matter to you? She has a large fanbase, big deal. Chasing her down the street is quite extreme, but I don't see why you have to bash people who admire her. "Anyone 14 and under NOT permitted..." what does it matter? The show is selling tickets."

Personally, I'm glad she has a large following, as its getting her work out there, but some of those people don't even have respect for her OR her work besides Wicked, and its obnoxious. And honestly, when I was there the other day, people were so rude and chaotic, I couldn't even say hey to Idina and tell her what I thought of the show. Couldn't even talk to her like a normal human being, so I didn't say anything at all because the other people are so RUDE. So, it's easy for fans who want to really express their respect for her work to her, or for a familiar face to pop in and say hey because these immature kids (however certainly NOT limited to people in their teens..there are older ones who are just as bad) think of nothing other than the fact that they want an autograph and picture.

Not to mention the fact that you can see how overwhelming it is for Idina. I mean, why would she come out with all those guards if it wasn't so much to handle?

I think it's unfair for anyone to say she doesn't want those fans. I'm SURE she appreciates support. I don't think she appreciate the lack of respect.

elphaba.scares.me Profile Photo
#101re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 3:05am

I've never actually been chased down the street, but I've definitely been mobbed by autograph people more than once. It can happen at a stage door or, when you become recognizable like Idina, any time during the day. It's disorienting and can be really obnoxious, and it's up to the performer to decide how s/he wants to handle it.

HOWEVER, there is another side to it, which is that the existence of a following gives a performer power. Three years ago Idina was just as talented as she is now, but she was at auditions with all the rest of us, and there were any number of times she didn't get the job. She didn't have a major record deal or the ability to bring a guaranteed audience to whatever projects she does. No matter how loud and screechy they may be, those girls give her the ability to walk in the room and make deals.

I'm sure that a lot of the behavior is inappropriate and unbearable. I just think, though, that the part of the fan/performer transaction that benefits the performer often gets overlooked.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#102re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 3:58am

Nicely said e.s.m.

I'm surprised she started signing after Wednesday's show, though. She really was rushed out of the lobby after the show and the group of 20-something Wicked fangirls (complete with Wicked apparel and Wicked memorabilia) whooshed out the door with her. On one hand, as Mabel said, it was only 20 people, and surely she could've managed to stop and sign a bit sans Public security flanking her. On the other hand, if that small screechy group is what she normally has to deal with but in larger numbers, who can blame her for flying the hell out of there?

(And am I the only person who thinks it's totally disrespectful to be bringing memorabilia from ANOTHER show for a performer to sign? Talk about getting the stink eye from other patrons in the lobby!)

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#103re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 5:36am

Like Patronus said, Idina's official site exceeded it's allotted bandwidth for the month. Something must be going on with the page (they might be moving it, but if that were the case, it wouldn't be down like that, it would just be on a hiatus).

I'm in contact with the man who runs her site, and I got an e-mail from him this morning, and he didn't mention anything about it. Hmm. It was up and running then though.

And about Idina's teeny-bopper fans... What makes me sad is that a lot of people on this board (or in general) lump her fans into one enormous category, when the majority of them are respectful followers of her work that are over 16... You just HEAR and SEE the obnoxious ones more often, making them seem more prominent. But I agree, there are obnoxious ones out there (dear god, you should HEAR some of the e-mails I get from people who visit my Idina site thinking I'm her... holy crap, if Idina heard the stuff they were rambling on about, she'd probably run and hide in a hole!)

Thankfully, she's a busy woman with a booming career. Leaves little time for trivial things like the craziness of little fans.

Updated On: 10/17/05 at 05:36 AM

#104re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 7:08am

(And am I the only person who thinks it's totally disrespectful to be bringing memorabilia from ANOTHER show for a performer to sign? Talk about getting the stink eye from other patrons in the lobby!)

I'm going to have to agree and disagree on this one. In the case of Idina, I think it is rude and quite unnecessary to bring the Wicked or RENT memorobilia to a show (and especially this one). I think it's rude to her and to the theatre. And when these girls are screaming and pushing and shoving, it just adds to it. But I think if it were someone that you saw a very long time ago, respected their performance, and didn't get a chance to wait for them after the show, and wanted to bring something from that for them to sign, then it would be ok. Like, an old playbill or something that a certain performer was in. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Not that I've actually done it, but I was thinking that if I get to see DRS I might bring my L5Y cd to try to get signed because I enjoy it so much and loved both Sherie's and Norbert's performances. However, in the particular case we are discussing, I think it's completely unnecessary. I don't know if any of that made sense, but...

On a second note, does anyone know if they are even selling any SWIWS merchandise?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#105re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 11:48am

I brought my L5Y CD for Sherie and Norbs and Sherie thanked me for supporting off-broadway.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#106re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 12:05pm

No SWIWS merchandise, sadly enough, Ashley. A cast recording is being made the day after it opens, although I'd love a poster.

It is so horribly rude that this woman is being stalked by WICKED fanatics. She is not playing Elphaba here. She is giving one of the most beautifully crafted performances she will give of her lifetime and these kids are here, bugging out, wearing her red track pants and "I HEART IDINA" shirts, squealing when she walks by, all hoping to see her in green makeup.

Again, this isn't Elphaba. So get over it. That was a year ago!

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

kasim Profile Photo
#107re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 12:29pm

Dude .... that is sad. Hopefully by the time i go it will be died down.

I can kind of understand bringing the wicked/rent stuff with you to sign. But i wouldnt in the end cause i think its a bit rude.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#108re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/17/05 at 3:34pm

I think part of the reason it irked me was because the show is still in previews, if that makes any sense - the cast is looking to plug this show and get feedback in the lobby on what worked, what didn't, and they want to make sure the show has positive pre-opening buzz - to drudge up their past work when this is the most critical part of a production's promotional campaign seems to negate the effort to leave those old roles behind and push the new ones.

BTW, I think Henry Stram said the cast recording was being made on Oct. 31 with an early/mid-November release.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell
