
Your hero's biggest mistake?- Page 6

Your hero's biggest mistake?

#125Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 10:03pm

Jonathan Larson... had no flaw.

Anthony Rapp... he's gay. i guess i'll have to keep my hormones on the d/l.
btw, anthony, if you ever wanna have a heterosexual experience, you know where to find me.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#126Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 10:42pm

Well I guess that explains why the only person on the board who gave a crap about yipper's opinion was menzella. Now that said poster has revealed themself to be even sadder than first thought, let's get back to the topic shall we?

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#127Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 10:45pm

Being gay's a "mistake?" eep.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#128Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 11:43pm

I'm so not touching that one.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#129Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 11:49pm

I know it wasn't meant that way, but whoa on the miswording. Then again, I'm just a bitchy fag-hag, so what do *I* know?

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/15/05 at 11:49 PM

#130Just a Thought
Posted: 9/15/05 at 11:57pm

I'm absolutely certain that Jess just got caught up in her little 'attraction' - and that no slam against gays was meant, whatsoever.

#131Just a Thought
Posted: 9/16/05 at 12:53pm

Sometimes, you are all such pretentious theatre a**holes ; it's really quite amusing.

In the scheme of things, how ridiculous you all sound spouting off such worthless, ridiculous information such as this.

Either you like a show or you don't. ENOUGH.

Everyone has their own opinions and you all sound so silly with your verbal diarrhea.

And leave Menzella alone..

Menzella, you are my hero for standing up to such an unfriendly group of people.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#132Just a Thought
Posted: 9/16/05 at 12:59pm

oh for the love of God, Di2, we'd moved on.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#133Just a Thought
Posted: 9/16/05 at 1:09pm

So discussing a show and trying to find out more and understand it is horrible thing to do? Disliking a show makes you nasty and we should never disagree. Good to know, I'm sure that life lesson will get me somewhere. I'm thinking to the toilet, to vomit.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#134Just a Thought
Posted: 9/16/05 at 3:54pm

Menzella can have his/her own opinion.

You all are such dramatic losers its funny.

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#135Just a Thought
Posted: 9/16/05 at 3:58pm

Me? Dramatic... never!

(note the dramatic pause) Just a Thought

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#136Just a Thought
Posted: 9/17/05 at 1:11am

ahhhhhhhh!!!! nooooo! that's not what i meant at all! being gay isn't a "flaw"! it's just that i WANT HIM.


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#137Just a Thought
Posted: 9/17/05 at 1:13am

*runs (no, FLOUNCES) in*

*DRAMATIC faint*

I know, Jess. Just be careful there! :-/

A work of art is an invitation to love.
