Roundabout Package Question.

B-maniac Profile Photo
#1Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 10:21am

I found this "discount" in the internet:

"See any 3 Roundabout shows for only $195"

I'm planning to buy tickets for "Anything Goes", "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "The People in the Picture".

Does anybody know how this discount works?

I entered the Roundabout site, and after choosing the shows that I want to see, the site didn't show me the available seats. So I gave up buying the tickets.

Has someone ever used this discount? When do I know the seats that I'm buying?

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#2Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 12:30pm

Maybe the discount is only good for certain dates or sections. Try calling. ANYTHING GOES is through Telecharge, the other two are through Roundabout's own ticket line.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

theatreguy Profile Photo
#2Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 12:39pm

It's a subscription package. You don't get to choose your seats - they give you the best available out of their subscriber sections.

#3Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 3:08pm

My sister and brother-in-law had a phone solicitation about these packages. They liked the selection of shows, but had a genuine stipulation: my brother-in-law has long legs (he's 6'7") and is recovering from knee surgery. They wanted to take the tickets but only if they were on the aisle so my b-i-l could stretch his leg out once the curtain rose. He guy on the phone assured them it was no problem. When the tickets arrived, they were aisle seats, but on the OTHER aisle! My sister contacted the theater and was told all sales were final. She called American Express and told them to stop payment until the matter was resolved.

To be continued....

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

theatreguy Profile Photo
#4Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 4:02pm

As subscribers they should be able to exchange their tickets.

#5Roundabout Package Question.
Posted: 3/7/11 at 4:33pm

They SHOULD be, but that's not what they're being told.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
