Ninth & Joanie

#1Ninth & Joanie
Posted: 4/16/12 at 11:44am

I saw this last night. Holy s**t! I went because I've seen and liked some of labyrinth's shows in the past and I got a ticket for only $25 but I was floored by the whole play and production and cast. I didn't know what to expect going in. It was an incredibly sad and moving and cathartic experience. And Kevin Corrigan was fantastic. Has anyone on here seen it? I loved it!

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#2Ninth & Joanie
Posted: 4/16/12 at 11:54am

I've been waiting to hear someone's opinion on this. Labyrinth is so hit and miss, and the less said about The Atmosphere of Memory the better. I didn't want to make that long trek out to Bank and the West Side Highway on blind faith.

Maybe I'll have to check it out though.

#2Ninth & Joanie
Posted: 4/16/12 at 2:22pm

I think you should. It was a huge surprise for me, the whole style and tone and pacing of it was outstanding and off putting, but somehow grabbed me and pulled me in. I didn't see the last labyrinth play but i've seen Motherf***er With The Hat, Jack Goes Boating, Our Lady of 121st Street, Unconditional, Little Flower of Orange, A School of the Americas - and I really liked this one a lot. Totally different non-traditional pacing and storytelling, great performances, great set.
