Coming to New York City in July

#1Coming to New York City in July
Posted: 5/2/12 at 6:09pm

Hello all!!! I am coming to the Big Apple in July for about 8 days. For 6 of those days I plan on seeing Broadway shows ( two on Wednesday). Need some advice!! I plan on seeing Priscilla, Rock of Ages, Sister Act, Spiderman, Ghost, Evita, and Wicked (already have ticket!) I want to see How to Succeed... but unfortunately don't have enough time unless one of the other shows I want to see close before I get there.

I plan on doing rush for Rock of Ages, Sister Act, Spiderman and Evita. How early should I get there in the morning (it's summer and all)? I have to pay full price for Priscilla and Ghost.. I have discount codes for these shows, but the codes are only good till the end of May for Ghost, and beginning of June for Priscilla. Do you think they will be putting out discount codes for July and August? Should I hold off on these tickets? What are some good pre-theater restaurants?


tmbyru Profile Photo
#2Coming to New York City in July
Posted: 5/2/12 at 6:14pm

The discount codes are usually extended. There will always be discounts for Ghost and Priscilla so I wouldn't worry.

How early for rush depends on if you want to be first or want a ticket period. If you want to be first, usually before 8 is good. To get a ticket, be there by 8:30.

My favorite pre-theater restaurant is Becco. It's amazing italian and has a good family-style prix fix option for like $24.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Coming to New York City in July
Posted: 5/2/12 at 7:37pm

I love sushi at Kodoma on 45 and 8th.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#3Coming to New York City in July
Posted: 5/2/12 at 9:03pm

OH, Thanks for the tips so far! Another question: I haven't been to NYC in a while. I am staying at the Raddison Martinque on 32nd Street. Is it safe to walk back to my hotel room at night after my Broadway show lets out? NYC is still one of the safest cities right? I won't get mugged?

Updated On: 5/2/12 at 09:03 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#4Coming to New York City in July
Posted: 5/2/12 at 9:31pm

Of course there is never any guarantee, but you just need to be smart. Walk like you belong, be confident and be aware of your surroundings.

(I am often alone in NY at night -- I just use my common sense.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
