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Steve Kazee - in or out?

dshnookie Profile Photo
#1Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 7:31pm

Hey, want to buy tickets for a friend's birthday this week and wanted to check if Steve has any scheduled absences this week that anyone might know of?


Updated On: 2/17/13 at 07:31 PM

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#2Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 7:35pm

I believe he is out until further notice.
Updated On: 2/17/13 at 07:35 PM

Pammylicious Profile Photo
#3Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 7:44pm

he's been ill. i was there on Thursday and he was out. a friend in the cast said he was sick.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#4Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 7:48pm

Pretty tough to catch this guy, huh? A friend of mine was planning to see Once while in town next week as well, but specifically wanted to see Kazee. I told him "good luck", and am happy to tell him to see something else instead now.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 2/17/13 at 07:48 PM

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#5Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 7:55pm

Steve was on vacation, came back for 2 shows, and has been out since on medical.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#6Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 8:21pm

I can't tell if he's one of the unluckiest guys on earth or if half of his reasons for being out are made up.

Either way, hope he comes back soon, seems like many people want to see his performance.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#7Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/17/13 at 8:40pm

Saw the show last night. Understudies for him, Milioti, and Elizabeth A. Davis. I haven't been that unlucky in a long time.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#8Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/18/13 at 12:08am

Ugh, I got tickets for the 27th matinee, hope he's back by then. Can someone post here when he is? Do they allow exchanges if he's out?

#9Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/18/13 at 5:36am

Yes they do allow you to either exchange or get a refund. We were visiting New York for a few days in early January. We were scheduled to see Once on the Friday night. Steve Kazee was out. The guy in the box office said he'd been in all week but didn't know if he'd be for the Saturday matinee.

We decided to take a refund and took the risk he'd be back next day. We managed to get Premium tickets and he was indeed in although looked as if he had a cold. He sang brilliantly though. Cristin Milioti was also in so we left immediately after the show for JFK very happy to have seen the leads. A great show and I'm curious to know how the UK cast will compare with the Broadway leads. They have a very tough act to follow.

Colleen2184 Profile Photo
#10Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/18/13 at 10:28am

The entire Once cast performed at 54 Below last night, so that's probably why there was a lot of understudies. Kazee was out on vocal rest and wasn't there either. Overall, a really good performance at 54 Below!

#11Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 1:13pm

Anyone know if Steve is back from medical leave/vocal rest?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#12Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 1:30pm

Kelly, he really isn't out all that much. He was out a few performances last year when his mom passed away, and now he's been out again first for vacation and then due to illness. He was actually sick LAST year as well, but he actually went on while he was sick. People always seem to think he's out because he says he's sick all the time on Twitter, but usually he goes on whether or not he's sick.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#14Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:10pm

Bjh, I don't follow Steve on Twitter. People post on this board quite frequently regarding his absences, and I have several friends who have seen the show or want to who have had issues catching him in. Seems like many people want to jump to his defense when the topic is brought up, which is a bit odd. He's allowed to miss however many shows he wants, but it does make it tough for those who do want to see him specifically.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#15Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:15pm

I'm not jumping to his defense. I was merely stating that people on these boards seem to THINK he's out because he posts about it, but the actual number of performances he ends up missing is quite low. I've never seen so many people talk about an actor being out through speculation. It's one thing when it's an actor like Audra who's actually out a ton and it has been confirmed at the theatre. But on here, people always seem to be like "Steve's out because he said he was sick on Twitter" without actually checking the board at the theatre first. That's all I'm saying. He doesn't that many performances when it comes down to it.

#16Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:18pm

He's been ill, very ill, and suffers from Lyme disease. One option is for him to quit the business, but in the meantime, some compassion is in order.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#17Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:21pm

I'm sure he must be very ill, I can't imagine any actor, especially one who has had such an incredible experience with a show, would call out for no reason. You can appreciate that while still acknowledging that by the nature of this show and his performance being much-discussed and awarded, many people who are paying $$$$$$ to come see it (and him) want to know if they're going to, which days they can expect him to be out, etc. I don't see any of this discussion as out of line, and I doubt Kazee would take issue with people wishing for more details on his schedule in the hope that they get to see him perform.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#18Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:33pm

I don't know anything about his specific situation, but in the case of Laura Benanti years ago, she was expressly forbidden by her producers to discuss her injury, and also when she would be out. That may well be a factor here.

She was excoriated on these boards, and was unable to say a word about it.

eta: I think this: "I can't tell if he's one of the unluckiest guys on earth or if half of his reasons for being out are made up." is a truly awful thing to say about an actor who has been struggling to perform. Please think twice before you suggest tat an actor who has been diagnosed with a disease is lying.

Updated On: 2/21/13 at 02:33 PM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#19Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:38pm

Ghostlight2, you're right. That well may be the case, but in that instance I wouldn't blame Benanti or Kazee, I would find fault with the producers. I find tactics like that to be misleading and unfair, especially when it's completely reasonable for someone to have a desire to see a particular actor in a particular role and spend a sizable amount of money to do so.

I'm the biggest proponent of "take what you get and enjoy it", but I live here in the city and if I miss an actor I want to see in a show, I have the luxury of being able to return without much inconvenience. Most people who see theatre see a show once and sometimes you do inevitably have your heart set on seeing a particular person.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#20Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:47pm

My edit crossposted you, sorry. Yes, I agree that the producers ought not do these things, but they do, because the bottom line is dollars and cents. - but don't blame the actor.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#19Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:52pm

I agree completely that it makes more sense for the producers to lead people to believe that the advertised stars will be present, and I'm so fully well aware more transparency on this isn't necessarily great for business. It's just a frustrating situation to be in because it's hard to find a compromise that would make everyone happy. As much as I feel for actors who do have a tough job and a tough schedule and a simple cold can make it very hard to get through a show, I do also feel for theatre lovers and people try very hard to see a performance they so want to see and find themselves missing someone they love without much recourse.

I'll give you that my joke was a bit dark, but it really was intended to be flip, I don't have any animosity for Kazee, just frustration and bewilderment at the situation.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#20Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 2:53pm

I've nothing against Kazee, just as a disclaimer. I adored him in the show...but at this point are people really seeing the show FOR him? I'd think the popularity of the film and The Swell Season would be the main draws. I know he won the Tony, but I don't think it's fair for people to question a professional who is so openly passionate about the show he's in. His reasons for being out of the show seem to be pretty effing legit...i.e, death of a family member and a serious illness.

Am I the only one who feels bad for the understudies while reading this thread? I know everyone has learned that you're supposed to "want" to see the principle actor in the role, but I don't think it's exactly a downgrade to see an understudy go on. Even if it's in a tony award-winning role.

Side note, I've actually heard really great things about the current understudies. If people are paying JUST to see a certain actor, I don't really sympathize. Enjoy the understudy, enjoy the show. And it's a beautiful show at that, methinks. /2 cents done/.

Updated On: 2/21/13 at 02:53 PM

#21Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 3:19pm

what is going on here? I don't think anyone on this thread is questioning his professionalism or passion for this show. If he's sick, he should be taking time off. Yes, I want to see the actor in the role that he won a Tony for. I just want to know if he's back so that I can plan accordingly.

#22Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 3:25pm

I was more questioning the people questioning Steve Kazee. I don't think an actor calling out due to a legitimate medical condition is unprofessional. I'd call that responsible.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#23Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 3:27pm

"If people are paying JUST to see a certain actor, I don't really sympathize. Enjoy the understudy, enjoy the show"

Really? People aren't allowed to be fans of actors and want to see them now, that's not okay? Sorry, I've been seeing shows in New York since I was a little girl, and there are actors I've come to adore and have followed their careers over the years. There's absolutely nothing wrong with going to a show and wanting to see a specific performance. I hate this constant line about how that's somehow lesser-than or inappropriate.

I agree that expressing discontent with seeing understudies isn't exactly appropriate, but no one in this thread is trashing the understudies. I've had many wonderful experiences seeing understudies unexpectedly, but if there is someone I am a particular fan of who is out, I'm happy to see the understudy but typically will go back again at a later date to see whoever it may be that I was hoping to see. My point was most people who see shows don't have that luxury, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to attempt to choose a performance where Kazee or anyone else they wish will go on.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 2/21/13 at 03:27 PM

#24Steve Kazee - in or out?
Posted: 2/21/13 at 3:37pm

I didn't say people don't have the right to be disappointed. I guess I've just seen some gross behavior by people in response to an actor not being in a show. Not necessarily in this case, but the entitlement is sometimes if it's personal. I've had my share of 'waaaa' moments over seeing an understudy slip, but I don't let it destroy the show for me. Unless the show sucks :).
