No fly shows in Wicked

justincharacter Profile Photo
#50No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 12:48am

Told you.

#51No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 1:17am

As the person who made the original comment about how dumb this thread is, I would like to explain that it had nothing to do with Mike Barrett liking or disliking Wicked. It had all to do with how the first posts were worded. If this had been a thread about how Defying Gravity "works" or doesn't, I would have also thought it interesting.

By the original posts, it seem to me that Mike Barrett was deciding on whether or not he'd attend based on the guarantee that this one effect would most likely occur. That was what I found absurd.

I have no doubt that everyone here knows that it is the intention of every cast and crew member to give the best possible performance each and ever time, including each and every set change and effect. Sometimes things happen. They are rarely, if never planned. Deciding whether or not one should attend Wicked based on the frequency of one effect's success rate was the point I was trying to make.

As for Starlight Express being the first to try "unusual" effects... not by a long shot. There have been many many shows many years earlier that have tried all sorts of cool things. Some far more extreme than Starlight Express (not sure which effect is in question) and Elphaba's flight in Wicked.

Theater automation has a huge history and over the years many new techniques have emerged. I go back to the 60s, but I am sure there are examples before even I attended the theater. Some earlier examples I remember:

Via Galactica

Actually, I'm going to stop there, because I'm not even really sure what an "unusual" effect would entail. Stage craft is stage craft and there are so many wonderful moments...

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Updated On: 8/16/13 at 01:17 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#52No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 1:29am

I've said it before Defying Gravity isn't the only reason I would go. It's just for the 3rd time I was excited but not like oh boy wicked again! I was more like yay Dedying Gravity and yay Curt Hansen in tight pants, although Curt wasn't on tonight. I've also never been this close so I think I enjoyed more than usual. Still wouldn't spend a ton of money on it but maybe just try the lotto or something if I wanted to.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#53No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 1:29am

I've said it before Defying Gravity isn't the only reason I would go. It's just for the 3rd time I was excited but not like oh boy wicked again! I was more like yay Dedying Gravity and yay Curt Hansen in tight pants, although Curt wasn't on tonight. I've also never been this close so I think I enjoyed more than usual. Still wouldn't spend a ton of money on it but maybe just try the lotto or something if I wanted to.

#54No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 1:47am

"Has anyone ever seen one? How often do they happen? I'm seeing the show tomorrow and I got a free ticket so I can't really complain but it will be my 3rd time seeing the show. It's not my favorite, I really only went back a second time for Defying Gravity. This time I got a free ticket from someone who works in the show so of course I would say yes. I just don't really want to see a no fly show. It's really the only part I look forward to in the show."

Your exact words, Mike Barrett.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#55No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 11:20am

That is true I said that. I didn't give the full disclosure saying I do enjoy other parts of the show because I didn't think people would respond the way they did. Obviously if you were going to see Wicked, and you knew about DG, you would want to see it. If I didn't, I would've been a little disappointed, but I would've been fine. Also sitting as close as I did made it even cooler to see DG so that was another reason.

#56No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 11:25am

It was never my intentions to disparage you, or anyone else in this forum. I was just commenting on the absurdity of the way the original post was worded. I appreciate your thoughts Mike Barrett and if I hurt yours or anyone's feelings, please accept my apologies.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#57No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 11:34am

Yes, the issues come from the original post. It just seems logical that if ANY show had constant or even FREQUENT problems, it would be a constant discussion point. There'd be a "Wicked Fails Again" thread with people continually updating it. Any show with mechanics is going to have failures. You only need worry about it if its constant.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#58No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 11:34am

Thank you but you don't need to apologize. No one really does I guess it's just people were making me sound like a horrible person for accepting a free ticket to a show that I like, but don't love. Also I don't want to sound as bratty as everyone is making me sound. I guess I did word it wrong but doesn't mean everyone needs to destroy me on it.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#59No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 12:35pm

"Also I don't want to sound as bratty as everyone is making me sound."

Too late. You did that all on your own.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#60No fly shows in Wicked
Posted: 8/16/13 at 1:29pm

Why because I got a free ticket and I was wondering how often no fly shows happen? I was just curious if they happen more often that not. I mean, Spiderman has technical difficulties all the time. Wicked has been running longer and is more popular but still it's a very technical show. Also, as much as everyone wants to think, I am not a brat just because I got free tickets last night. Almost every show I go to I pay with my own money. I am old enough now where I pay for my own tickets, and if I can't pay for my own, I don't go. Simple as that.