
Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15

Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15

anmiller07 Profile Photo
#1Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15
Posted: 1/23/15 at 7:41am

I know this is a looooooooooooooooooooong shot but just found out I'll be in NY 2/14 and wanted to see Hamilton. If there is anyone who has tickets they are no longer able to use please contact me. Obviously willing to pay over face. Looking for two tickets.

#2Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15
Posted: 1/23/15 at 9:20am

This week, they released a few seats at the last minute. There's a chance that may happen the week of the show. Maybe call the Public closer to the date and ask. Otherwise, they have a cancellation line in addition to the lottery, I believe.

anmiller07 Profile Photo
#2Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15
Posted: 1/23/15 at 9:23am

Thanks, wasn't aware of that info!

haterobics Profile Photo
#3Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15
Posted: 1/23/15 at 12:30pm

Show has a big cast, so one imagines they would have a row or something set aside for house seats, which they may not use all the time.

Okiekat Profile Photo
#4Looking for Hamilton tickets 2/14/15
Posted: 1/24/15 at 1:15am

I bought a ticket for 1/24 on 1/23. Earlier in the week the date was listed as sold out. I would keep checking.
