
Mary Cheney: Why can't we have blackface?- Page 2

Mary Cheney: Why can't we have blackface?

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#26Mary Cheney: Why can't we have blackface?
Posted: 2/3/15 at 7:53am

Matt Baume is brilliant. Towleroad frequently posts his reports and analyses on same-sex marriage battles all around the country. He's really good at explaining how a micro-situation affects the larger picture and vice versa.

I hope she watches the video. It would, as she is wont to say, make her head explode.

#27Mary Cheney: Why can't we have blackface?
Posted: 2/3/15 at 9:04am

Did anyone expect Mary Cheney to express an opinion that wasn't stupid and offensive?

I'll cop to feeling the occasional pang of sympathy for her -- a particularly clueless lesbian member and supporter of the Republican Party, with a mass murdering war criminal homicidal maniac for a father and the additional insult to injury of actually closely resembling that mass murdering war criminal homicidal maniac father, being used as a "see? we've got queers in the GOP, too!" example by people who'd happily see her and her "wife" sent off to the camps...

Well, it's only a pang of sympathy, and only very occasional, and few pangs of sympathy are as easily smothered than the Mary Cheney pang.

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