Next Block of Hamilton

#1Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 2/29/16 at 1:32pm

Anyone know when the next block will get released?

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#2Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 2/29/16 at 1:37pm

one was just released a few weeks ago, my guess is April or May

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

haterobics Profile Photo
#3Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 2/29/16 at 2:14pm

If you sig up on the Hamilton website, you'll get notified automatically every time.


But they go to Amex holders first, so you might want to sort out getting a card before the next drop, or else your ticket options diminish further...

#4Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 4/19/16 at 3:36pm

Any word on when the next block of tickets will be available for AMEX pre-sale?  I've searched the website but haven't find out anything specific.  I know the last group was released January 25.  Should we anticipate news soon?  

haterobics Profile Photo
#5Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 4/19/16 at 4:33pm

freewilma said: "Any word on when the next block of tickets will be available for AMEX pre-sale?  I've searched the website but haven't find out anything specific.  I know the last group was released January 25.  Should we anticipate news soon?"

If you searched the website, you should find the thing that says to make sure you don't miss when the next block of tickets go on sale, join the mailing list, no? That removes the need for you to keep hunting for it, and just let them tell you.

#6Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 4/19/16 at 10:04pm

Thanks for the suggestion.  Did that quite a while back.....but didn't know if this actually included the AMEX pre-sales.  But your help was definitely appreciated.  

haterobics Profile Photo
#7Next Block of Hamilton
Posted: 4/19/16 at 11:43pm

freewilma said: "Thanks for the suggestion.  Did that quite a while back.....but didn't know if this actually included the AMEX pre-sales.  But your help was definitely appreciated."


There is only the AMEX pre-sale, and the public on-sale. Nothing else.
