Eclipsed final weekend rush

teen bway lover
#1Eclipsed final weekend rush
Posted: 6/17/16 at 6:53pm

hi everyone! im new to the site and had a question about rushing for eclipsed in its final weekend on broadway. What time do you think I should arrive if I want tickets for tomorrow (saturday) matinee? Thanks!

JBroadway Profile Photo
#2Eclipsed final weekend rush
Posted: 6/17/16 at 7:18pm

For what it's worth, I rushed yesterday (not the weekend, but hopefully a helpful indication of what you want to know). I got there at about 8:50, and I was maybe 5th or 6th in line. I had no problem getting tickets. By 10:00, I would estimate that there were roughly 15 people total.


Because you want the matinee, it should be easier for you to get tix, but if you want to be safe, I would not recommend getting there after 9. Since it's the final weekend, maybe get there at 8:15-8:30 if you want to be very safe? Just an estimate. Hard to know for sure. 

teen bway lover
#3Eclipsed final weekend rush
Posted: 6/17/16 at 7:23pm

thank you so much! will definitely take your advice!

teen bway lover
#4Eclipsed final weekend rush
Posted: 6/18/16 at 10:53am

just an update on Eclipsed rush:

This morning I arrived at 8:00 and there were 14 people ahead of me. By 9:30 the line had gone down the street and by the time the box office opened im sure the line was around the block. A lot of people were getting two tickets, and i think rush is sold out for today. My seat is extreme sides. 

If you want to go tomorrow, make sure to get there super early if you want to get a ticket. 

JBroadway Profile Photo
#5Eclipsed final weekend rush
Posted: 6/18/16 at 11:07am

Wow! That's a lot of people! I knew it would be more than usual, but given how easy the rush has been so far, I definitely didn't expect you to be 14th at 8am. Good thing you went earlier than I suggested! Glad you got a ticket. 
