BB18 starts tonight!

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#50BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/24/16 at 5:02am

I am glad Victor is back. Bronte was a little rude in the battleback challenge to him considering she was always bragging about how nice she was. I am a little sad that Frank is not long for the BB world. Not that he was my favorite but he was far from boring. I think he probably played too hard in the beginning but hindsight is 20/20 and the returnees were the main targets....

#51BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/28/16 at 6:36pm

If I didn't hate that little shrimp Paul already, this week he has proven what a douche he really is.  He verbally abused Bridgette so that he could get some info out of her, with the blessings of Paulie and D'Vonne.  Nasty girl of the week or year goes to Zakeya.  On the live feeds she changed out her dirty tampon in front of the group and proceeded to stick her hand into a bags of chips/dip, without washing her hands.  That weave must be on too tight and has seriously diminished her brain cells.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#52BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 10:15am

Sounds like a classy show. Never watched it before this season. We bailed after 2 episodes. To think this is in its 18 th season while other quality shows die is a total mystery to me.

Poster Emeritus

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#53BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 5:39pm

....And now back to our regularly scheduled summer guilty pleasure. 

I hope the houseguests get wise and finally put Da'Vonne into the hot seat for real, because she's a huge threat to a lot of people's games. Bridgette is someone I've always liked, and I'm rooting for her to play hard and stay in the game. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#54BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 7:44pm

I agree about Bridgette.  I like her and don't understand why the house and even people on this board dislike her.  I kind of feel sorry for her.  I don't see why they think she is phony.  Those girls and Paul have really tormented her.  I would really love to see her just rage up in their face.  Especially in Paul's face. He would run away like a scared chicken.  Natalie, is one, I'm not sure of.  I like that for the most part she keeps her word.  But I see her changing her values to go with the house. Or she's a complete fake/phony  and has me fooled.  I really dislike Nicole this year.  She was one of my favorites in her previous season.  I also dislike James this time around.  Out of the group that is left I am hoping for Bridgette.  But she doesn't have a chance.  

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#55BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 7:45pm

I think this season has been a good one so far and a marked improvement over the past couple. BoB really was a drag and I'm glad that it is gone. 

Why do I always get sentimental about a player right as they are getting booted out of the house? I really can't stand Michelle (please, can we keep this thread a safe space for the terms "Meech" and "Big Meech"BB18 starts tonight!. She was so cruel to Bridgette, especially since she had all the power over her last week. And to admit that it was all over her pathetic crush on Frank, who clearly did NOT reciprocate those feelings, was pathetic and cringeworthy. I want her gone. 

I liked seeing Meg, Jason, Hayden (wow!) and Boogie (yes, I did just say I was happy to see Boogie). Boogie's analysis of Frank's game was so spot on. Why did he share that he was the Roadkill winner to everyone, especially when he kept winning? He could have really messed with the house and played dumb, but instead screwed up. 

I'm glad Victor is back in the house. He's so likeable. I think I would be friends with him in the house. Paul, on the other hand, sucks. After being a target and on the block constantly for the first few weeks, he should be laying low right now instead of being in everyone's face.

How about Nicole dating Hayden for 1.5 years??? What?!?!?!?! And now into another showmance. Oh Nicole.  

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#56BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 8:19pm

Hayden looks completely different.  I hate to be that person...but from his look and my reliable spot on radar, he may be into a Nick and not a Nicole.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#57BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 8:21pm

Yup! I never got a gay vibe from him on his season, but last night he was pinging off the charts!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#58BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 8:28pm

He actually looked younger, than in his previous season.  Poor Nicole, just looks tired.  First Hayden, then Corey.  Girlfriend loves her some gay men.

#59BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/29/16 at 8:28pm

double post.

Updated On: 7/29/16 at 08:28 PM

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#60BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 7/30/16 at 3:30am

I've hated Paul since the beginning and then he took a little turn and I actually started to enjoy him a little, and now he's back to being a total piece of crap. I don't understand what satisfaction they'd get from torturing Bridgette and honestly I hope it only makes her want to fight harder to stay in the game. I think Bridgette and I would be really good friends if we met in real life, because she's so sweet and genuine unlike a lot of the girls on the show this season. Michelle is someone I instantly couldn't stand from her comments about weight and such (being as she's some kind of health nut) and her bullying of Bridgette and BS obsession with Frank was just ridiculous. When is someone going to realize that she and Zekiyah are riding the SS Floater and get them out? Sure, they'd be decent jury members, but they haven't really played the game at all. AMEN to getting her out, Whizzer. It's due time for Michelle to get the BB boot!

I love Nicole, but girlfriend needs to wake up and realize she can't play every angle and expect everyone to be like - Oh, okay - no worries, girl. Her whole "I gave Frank so many chances" crap was ridiculous, and how she made it very clear to Day that she wasn't being honest. I want to root for her, but she's making so many sloppy mistakes. Also, Corey definitely pings my gaydar too and a lot of people on the Twitter feeds are calling him out for being a closet case, but I don't remember getting too much of a ping on Hayden -- until his spot the other night. 

Natalie seems sweet, but she is so wrapped up in James that I'm not even remotely sure what is going on. Natalie also at one point - according to the Twitter feed - said she wasn't that friendly with Bridgette, she was only friends with her because Bronte [which seems like BS]. James going back on his word [yet again] and not doing what he wanted in favor of what the house wanted just proves how spineless he is. Overall, I like him, but he's pretty spineless in terms of his game play and has to keep relying heavily on a partner [Meg, now Natalie]. 

I also think they need to start working on getting some big threats out - which from what I gather on the feed/Twitter feed - they are maybe going to attempt, because either way someone of threat status could go home. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 7/30/16 at 03:30 AM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#61BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/1/16 at 7:00am

Paul has recently been bragging how well endowed he is.

#62BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/1/16 at 7:53am

SmoothLover, Maybe he will accept your FRIENDSHIP and you can see for yourself.angel

Updated On: 8/1/16 at 07:53 AM

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#63BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/1/16 at 8:30am

Every time Paul says friendship, I scream. It's so obnoxious and he's driving me up the wall. His obsession with getting Bridgette out is ridiculous since she never did anything personally to him. 

From the looks of things on Twitter/the feeds, looks like things have swayed and the two biggest floaters finally may have to get their heads in the game. Get ready, Zakiyah and Michelle - your time is coming. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#64BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/1/16 at 8:32am

I think Paul wasn't that bright to put Paulie up next to Bridgette. He should have stuck with Nicole, or even thrown Victor up there. Putting Paulie up screams that Bridgette isn't the actual target and someone is getting backdoored. 

Interesting that Natalie got the most votes for the care package. I assume James will win one of the next few packages. 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#65BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/1/16 at 8:44am

^I think what's hilarious is when he called Paulie his pawn during nomination ceremony and I think that is when Day absolutely knew the script was flipped and her butt is going up. Both Nicole and Victor were so weary to go up (and I suppose that makes sense since Victor did go home already, but still), and I do (unfortunately) agree with Paul in that Nicole didn't have the backbone to go up as a pawn and probably would have lost POV (although if Day is the real target and Bridgette had won, it wouldn't have matter much at all). 

I'm a little shocked, too, but then again she always seems to be on Have Not. 

Edit: I love how Michelle and Zakiyah are acting like Day going up is SO wrong. She's been making major move through out the game - why WOULDN'T you put her up? She's a big threat and I know you absolutely need your Mama Day, but come on, girls. You need to eventually start playing for yourselves and sooner or later, collateral damage will happen.  

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 8/1/16 at 08:44 AM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#66BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/2/16 at 1:29am

ArtMan said: "SmoothLover, Maybe he will accept your FRIENDSHIP and you can see for yourself.angel



I would rather be "friends" with Paulie.



I am ready for the first double eviction. I think part of the Paul/Bridget thing has more to do with Paul wanting some control over the preceedingss because he keeps repeating the loyalty word over and over.     

I was also surprised that Michelle won the package. I find her to be a bit of a dingbat.


Updated On: 8/4/16 at 01:29 AM

#67BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/2/16 at 7:20am

I wish I could somehow reach out to Natalie.  She is disclosing some really personal information to the others.  Not only do all of us know this info, but so do the houseguests.  And these people are not her friends.  Already they have been teasing her (the guys nastily) about her breast enlargement.  But last night, she  spoke about something really personal.  I don't know where this girl's brain is.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#68BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/4/16 at 5:54pm

Paulie has been showing a very chilly side of himself as of late. It is a big turn off but it has made him a more interesting player.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#69BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 2:42am

Bump. What was up with Vic's speech? It seems like none of the women came to win and the men are devouring them with little effort.

jasonf Profile Photo
#70BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 11:22am

Here's my end of the game prediction. Final three are Victor, Paul and Paulie. Paul wins final HOH and has to choose - he picks Paulie because "friendship" and loses in a landslide. Had he chosen Victor, he would have won since Victor was voted out already and he wouldn't be able to win the game.


It would be an exact reversal of what happened to Paulie's brother.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#71BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 4:32pm

The way Paulie's behaving, I could see him becoming a huge target quickly and being vote out, much like Frank.  He's WAY too confident in his control of the game and I think PP is going to be a major target to break up soon.

What was up with Vic's speech?

Seriously.  That was a real WTF moment.  He was unnecessarily harsh and cruel considering it was most of the house that voted him out.  It only highlighted, yet again, how little he understands of the game.

Meanwhile, Michelle is quickly becoming the new WAAAHMBER.  Anyone else remember her?

BB18 starts tonight!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#72BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 4:53pm

Oh my god, WAHHMBER. She was THE WORST. Michelle is getting to the level, absolutely. 

I want Paul gone so badly. He's obnoxious and just needs to go. Paulie is definitely power playing it and could easily see himself being the next target a la Frank. Victor's a moron and he continues to prove why he was voted out. 

I'm still rooting for Bridgette, to be honest. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 8/8/16 at 04:53 PM

#73BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 5:24pm

I'm rooting for Bridgette, with Natalie a distant second.  Did anybody catch what Paul's mother said he promised to buy her with the money if he won?  I thought she said a Bentley.  Is that correct?  They obviously have money, (that huge mansion).  No wonder, he lives at home and is a spoiled douche.  Parents give him anything he wants.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#74BB18 starts tonight!
Posted: 8/8/16 at 7:24pm

Bridgette's cutesy little girl act grates my nerves.  Frank's exit was probably the best thing to happen to her since she's considered a non-threat and can be a tool for votes on the bottom of the totem pole.  I really like James (his slip with Da' was SUPER awkward) and I didn't really consider him spineless before as much as he just didn't have a compelling reason to flip this house since there was no reason to believe there would be the votes to back it up.  But NOW is when he needs to think about power moves and shaking things up.  I love Natalie and I would love to see her rise to the top to win.  Nicole is hugely entertaining, but she's making so many sloppy mistakes and saddled herself with a numbskull who's too horny for bromance to take her to the end.

And Paul...

BB18 starts tonight!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/8/16 at 07:24 PM