Dear Evan Hansen Fan Mail

A.Douglas Profile Photo
#1Dear Evan Hansen Fan Mail
Posted: 9/25/17 at 1:28pm

Hi all!

I'm not sure if another thread on this topic exists, my apologies if one does, but I have a few questions on sending fan mail to DEH.

I have an Opening Night Playbill and wanted to get it signed by the whole cast if possible. Would I send a $75 donation, with the Playbill, to the stage manager? Should I send it to a cast member? Has anyone had any experience with sending a specific Playbill/item to get signed? I ask the last question because I have caught wind of some people sending a specific Playbill (one they got when they saw the show, was signed my some cast members, and they wanted to get the rest of the cast to sign) but got back a different cast signed one back.

Thank you very much! :)

#2Dear Evan Hansen Fan Mail
Posted: 9/25/17 at 10:39pm

Hi there,

I can't remember exactly the amount, but I believe that DEH does request a fairly hefty donation to BCEFA in exchange for a cast signed playbill. I would strongly advise you to not send your opening night playbill, unless you're alright with it never being returned to you. The general rule of thumb is not to send anything in fanmail that you want to get back. If you'd still like a cast signed playbill, I would write to the stage manager and include a donation to BCEFA.

Hope this helps!

Wick3 Profile Photo
#3Dear Evan Hansen Fan Mail
Posted: 9/25/17 at 11:15pm

I don't know anything but I somehow would think the stage manager is way too busy to go around to each cast member to ask for an autograph.

What I think the theater did is have a stack of pre-signed playbills ready to ship out to anyone who donates $75. In other words, I highly doubt the stage manager will go to each cast member with your opening night playbill to ask for an autograph. It doesn't hurt to try but at the same time be prepared not to get it back if you do send it (even with a donation.)

Good luck!
