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NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?

NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
#1NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?
Posted: 1/31/20 at 9:43am

So I am going into the city next week and I wanted to look around to see if there was any sort of worthwhile conferences or workshops happening for aspiring producers and administrators- I see these sorts of things pop up a lot anyways, stuff like the Commercial Theatre Institute workshop days scattered throughout the year or even Ken Davenport's annual Producer's Super Conference- but ideally nothing crazily intensive. Has anyone ever been to any of these sorts of things or does anyone know of anything worth looking into that may be happening within the next week? Currently working on setting myself up for an Arts Administration career and am trying to set myself up to move here for a bit to find internships or (best case scenario) a full time job post-undergrad. If there was something going on I would love to check it out.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#2NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?
Posted: 1/31/20 at 10:46am

Just email producers, managers, and not-for-profits that you want to work for and say that you're in town for a week, want to start your career, and are seeking an informational interview for guidance. You may get lucky and get some responses. (Most of these individuals and organizations have websites with contact info or forms.)

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

musikman Profile Photo
#3NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?
Posted: 1/31/20 at 11:01am

CapnHook said: "Just email producers, managers, and not-for-profits that you want to work for and say that you're in town for a week, want to start your career, and are seeking an informational interview for guidance. You may get lucky and get some responses. (Most of these individuals and organizations have websites with contact info or forms.)"


Gonna echo this  I’ll add to it by asking if you maybe have a specific angle in arts admin that you might be looking into? Or is it more of a general thing? For example, if you’re just looking into marketing/PR, I wouldn’t focus on contacting a general manager or producing office (though if they get back to you, they may point you in the right direction).  

I’d also recommend hitting up the larger nonprofits, first.  They have a much bigger workforce and will be likelier to have someone on staff willing to take some time for you  (think roundabout/MTC/Lincoln center).  Obviously no guarantees but it can’t hurt to try !


-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
#4NYC Arts Admin. Seminars, Workshops, etc?
Posted: 1/31/20 at 10:29pm

Thanks! That makes a lot of sense and seems pretty worthwhile. I do have a couple mutual connections on LinkedIn in the city working in admin for a few commercial productions, so I may reach out to them, if not that, then perhaps I will give some of the non-profits a try like musikman said.

"I’ll add to it by asking if you maybe have a specific angle in arts admin that you might be looking into? Or is it more of a general thing? For example, if you’re just looking into marketing/PR, I wouldn’t focus on contacting a general manager or producing office (though if they get back to you, they may point you in the right direction)."

I don't think I'm particularly sure yet, but I'm equally interested in all of it! Currently I am still a freshman so in tandem with a plethora of internship work I have been taking on within the past year in my home city, I am exploring different options as far as those 'angles' go. As I am still learning and figuring out exactly how these different admin branches traditionally work with each other, I am probably equally in any opportunities, whether that's informational interview/networking or future internships, doing Entertainment Real Estate (Shubert, Jujamcyn, Nederlander...), as I would be doing Marketing (Serino Coyne, SpotCo...), as I would be doing General Mgmt. (Foresight Theatrical, Baseline, KGM...) as I would be learning about/interning/working with an established Bway/Off-Bway Non-Profit (Roundabout, LTC, MTC, The Public...), or etc. Quite frankly, I'm fascinated by all of it.
