Mary Poppins

#0Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 5:05pm

I read further down someone talking about Mary Poppins to stage. Luckily for us lot in England, it's happening! The creative team is being assembled and details should be springing up in the next six months. The script is also being finalised, there was a documentary showing Cameron Mackintosh in a day of his life and he was talking about it.

I'm looking forward to it so bad - so many London actresses are reportedly trying out for the lead role! How do you think they'll handle the flying? I hope it's tasteful.. also the cartoony bit?! How??? I hope it doesn't try and do that, just makes it normal.

For those of you sad about not seeing Chitty, it's really not that great.. it's a bit of fun and a tad impressive but nothing to get annoyed about missing.


#1re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 5:26pm

God o God I hope they cast RUTHIE HENSHALL as Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way!

I thought RUTHIE would've been a great Eliza, in London's My Fair Lady but they didn't cast her, it's her dream role too! re: Mary Poppins

#2re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 5:26pm

God o God I hope they cast RUTHIE HENSHALL as Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way!

I thought RUTHIE would've been a great Eliza, in London's My Fair Lady but they didn't cast her, it's her dream role too! re: Mary Poppins

#3re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 5:29pm

i think maria friedman would make an awsome mary poppins!!!!!!

#4re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 5:33pm

Maria's ok, she's got a very unique voice, to unique for my liking. Actually rather whiny and breathy. I couldn't stand her performance on the Joseph video, although her rendition of Sally Bowles on the double Cabaret cd isn't bad, plus Maria's not an attractive looking woman...

I'm not bagging on Miss Friedman, just voicing my opinion. re: re: re: Mary Poppins

#5re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 6:00pm

Poppins has not been transfered to the musical stage before because of the rights not being relased. The Travers Estate was so unhappy with the Disney version that they would not let anyone touch the property.

Cameron and Disney finaly got the rights after the original holder died. I'm sure they will do a great job.

#6re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 6:53pm

Stiles and Drewe and writing the score for the stage version, so I am very excited. I oove their score for their version of Peter Pan.

Amneris Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/2/03 at 6:55pm

im just curious to see all the nannies blow away on stage

#8re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 1:41am

It will be interesting to see what the people who criticize Chitty for being a spectacle childrens show make of Mary Poppins.
There are a lot of similarities between it and Chitty in that they're both classic films,filled with songs that people remember
from their own childhoods.Both shows would have a high percentage
of children in their audiences and by the very nature of the films,the stage shows would be equally filled with special

I have to disagree with Jake about Chitty (but that isn't the first time) :) Chitty is great fun.I'm not seeing the new cast until later this week but the original cast all gave accomplished
performances and the car flying is very impressive.

kec Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 2:42am

I, too, have to disagree with Jake about Chitty. :) I found it very impressive and a great deal of fun. And there's nothing like the excitement of seeing the car "take off."

That said, I'm very interested to see how they transfer Mary Poppins to the stage. If they do as excellent job with Poppins as they did with Chitty, I think it will be one supercalifragilisticexpialadocius show! :) (sorry, couldn't resist!)

Ria -- enjoy Chitty with the new cast. I've also heard that the spies have a new song and Caractacus sings a reprise of Hushabye Mountain that is just fantastic! I see it in two weeks, and am very much looking forward to it.

prof Profile Photo
#10re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 6:33am

George Stiles also wrote HONK! which beat the LION KING for best musical at the Olivier Awards.

"Sing out, Louise!"

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#11re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 11:20am

"God o God I hope they cast RUTHIE HENSHALL as Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way!"

I was about to post the same thing before I read your post!! :)
Great minds think alike. Ruthie would be PERFECT in that role!

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#12re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 1:17pm

Ruthie said that she wanted to play Eliza in MFL, however it's closing in August.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#13re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 1:51pm

I think the animated scene where they jump in the sidewalk would be cute. The Penguin-waiters could all do a tap-dancing number, that would be hysterical!

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#14ruthie mary poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 2:40pm

Yah Jake B, but too bad she couldn't create the role when it opened, instead of following in the line of women who have played it over the past 2 years... ruthie mary poppins

#15re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/3/03 at 2:52pm

What is Ruthie Henshall up to these days?


#16re: re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/4/03 at 2:02pm

She's just about to go into Chicago.

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/4/03 at 3:53pm

I ALSO think Ruthie would make a wonderful Mary Poppins.

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/5/03 at 12:05am

Please nobody kill me when I say this...but I think Sutton Foster would make an awesome Mary Poppins...I haven't thought of Ruthie Henshall yet, but now that you mention it she seems pretty darn perfect for the role.

#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Mary Poppins
Posted: 6/5/03 at 1:23am

i would love to see suan egan do it when it comes to broadway!!!
