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Member Name: kec
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Gender: Female
Location: Warwick NY
Profile: Interests include musical theater, singing, needlework, sewing reading

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 Apr 2 2018, 01:31:43 PM

chernjam said: "if you really want to gasp at a "Gethsemane" check out Lin-Manuel Miranda's video on this site

British singer Michael Ball also does an amazing version of Gethsemane.  



The Woman in White London Revival
 Nov 30 2017, 11:41:56 PM

I agree with Jo -- I saw the original production (with Michael Ball as Fosco) both in London and New York, and really enjoyed it.  Both the London and NY casts were excellent and I liked the projections (yes, I was thisclose to ducking when the train came out of the tunnel).  The Broadway production was sadly plagued by illness, but I also believe lack of promotion played a role in the show's demise.  


Hamilton in London
 Jan 16 2017, 11:10:21 AM

It was pretty easy once I got into the page.  I noticed some people had managed to get tickets before the noon start (London time) so I was a bit worried, but once I got in, and chose my date (May 201, I got a decent seat in the stalls.  


Oh, I hope Cameron Mackintosh sues Donald Trump...
 Sep 19 2016, 02:36:06 PM



RIP Charmian Carr
 Sep 18 2016, 11:32:37 PM

Such sad news.  I loved her in Sound of Music.  Dementia is a terriible disease.  :'(


 Mar 14 2016, 06:08:05 PM

The live feed is finished;  I believe the performance is still going on.

One-time cameo performances
 Jan 28 2016, 12:26:51 PM

A1st said: "I'm pretty sure it was on The tour, but Dick Van Dyke did a one night cameo as a bank worker in Mary Poppins. 

It was in Los Angeles;  Mr. Van Dyke reprised his role as "Mr. Dawes Senior."  



John Owen Jones is new Valjean
 Dec 8 2015, 10:05:54 PM

LizzieCurry said: "The first time JOJ did the show, half the cast wasn't born yet.

LOL.. that will make him feel old...

John Owen Jones is new Valjean
 Dec 3 2015, 06:17:48 PM

LizzieCurry said: "asmith0307 said: "I just laughed about the fact he is once again closing a Broadway revival company of Les Mis"




Yeah, but at least this time he knows it before he's starting.


Oh, so true, Lizzie..


LES MIZ Sets Sept. 2016 Broadway Closing Date
 Dec 2 2015, 04:45:59 PM

windbelle said: "Overall I like this revival. It's not as great as the original but still enjoyable. And I'm not a fan of Ramin. I don't really care about bringing "something new" to the characters. I just want them to sing well, act well, and be in character, which not many people can handle IMHO. I've seen the revival for a few times and I haven't seen a Valjean I really love, so I'm excited John Owen Jones is taking over and really looking forward

LES MIZ Sets Sept. 2016 Broadway Closing Date
 Dec 2 2015, 01:34:08 PM

Very excited to see that John Owen Jones will be returning to Broadway 

Alfie Boe is leaving Les Miz on February 28th
 Nov 13 2015, 05:03:10 PM

Saw him play the role in London and again a few weeks ago in NY. Alfie has really grown into the role,and as you say Lizzie, his singing is phenomenal.    

New Les Mis Replacements Review Thread
 Sep 2 2015, 10:51:36 AM

None of the fans I know who  were there last night said anything about a planned standing ovation for Bring Him Home,  but I know when Alfie has sung it in concert (mostly in the UK) he got standing ovations every time he sang it.  

Kyle Jean-Baptiste Dead at 21
 Aug 31 2015, 05:46:15 PM

Also horrifying are the assumptions that he committed suicide based on his tweet about his last appearance as Valjean.  More than one person claimed that tweet was in essence a suicide note.  *rolleyes*

Kyle Jean-Baptiste Dead at 21
 Aug 31 2015, 05:29:09 PM

Maybe one of his college friends?  

Kyle Jean-Baptiste Dead at 21
 Aug 30 2015, 10:37:37 PM

The comments on AOL/HuffingtonPost were indeed disgusting.  

R.I.P Edward Herrmann
 Dec 31 2014, 06:29:17 PM
"If you regularly watch the historical shows and specials on PBS and the History Channel, his voice is everywhere. He'll be missed."

I believe he was the voice of FDR in the recent Burns series on the Roosevelts. Very sad news.

Robin Wlliams has died.
 Aug 12 2014, 05:50:09 AM
Jordan that was a wonderful scene...
Songs That Have Moved You To Tears
 Mar 30 2014, 06:31:35 PM
"I'm not going to lie... I loved Ashley Brown's portrayal of Mary Poppins and I cried when she flew over the audience."

That reminded me... the first time I saw Mary Poppins on stage in London, I found myself getting very emotional during Feed The Birds. This happened every time I saw the show both in London and at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Not sure why -- might be a nostalga thing, since MP was the very first movie I ever saw.

Songs That Have Moved You To Tears
 Mar 30 2014, 10:40:47 AM
Bring Him Home -- reminds me sometimes of the night we brought my firefighter brother home from the hospital. He was dying (multiple myeloma contracted from working at Ground Zero)& his wife wanted to get him back home -- he died two days later.

Depending on the performers, in Les Mis, pretty much from Little Fall of Rain to the end.

Tell My Father from Civil War. I saw the musical at Ford's Theatre in WAshington DC and was fine, but sometime after my father passed away I

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