Bad Karma Maybe?

#0Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 3:24pm

So here comes my Wicked Wednesday....

So I saw Wicked for the FIRST time wednesday..and the anticpation was killing me. We were gunna take the train out nice and early..get there early enough for the lottery, and get to see some people at the stage door afterward!.. UNFORTUNATLY..things didnt work out as planned... my friend and I were ready at 6 to leave by 6:30 because in order to get a spot at the parking garage we needed to be there that early. The friends mom who made us promise to be ready by then was the issue throughout the day..after making SURE wed be ready..she wasnt even UP till 6:30! we didnt leave till 7:30 and had a 8:50 train...then we HADD to hit traffic..and then the parking garage was full..needless to say we missed the 8:50 train..i was VERY upset because all i could think of was "this cant be good karma.." so we get to Grand Central around 11:10. we still had time to get to the lottery if we moved FAST...but NOOOOOOO she had to walk to 8th and 51st from like 42!!!!! Now WE couldve gotten there..but her mother walks SLOW! were FINALLY get to the theater JUST in time to hear them announcing the lottery winnners. All I wanted to do was cry..i know it sounds horrible..but everything was going wrong..and i had waited 8 months to see the we ate lunch at T.G.I.F and then went back to the theater..i got 2 shirts because what else is a girl to do when shes upset but shop? The show was AMAZING..i cried soo much.. hahahahaha Defying Gravity made me lose it because honestly..i knew idina could hit the notes..but to hear how honestly PERFECT she did..was crazy..i was so nervous for her when we got to heart started pounding because she started to caugh and choke alittle and i was afraid she wouldnt be able to do it..but boyyyyyyyyy did she do it.Actually now that i think of it..and you might disagree but i didnt hear her off once..she was like on for every number she did!!! Jennifer was HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i didnt see kristin so i cant compare..and really couldnt anyway cuz they are such different people..but the fact is i couldnt have been happier with how she potrayed the role...sooo... "bubbly" .hahaha by for good I lost it again..but..can you blame me? im a sesitive girl. Curtain call arrived and i was ready for the stage doors. They said once we got there that JLT and Idina dont come out for Matinee but Joey and Michelle and some others would... well i THINK they lied ot me cuz we DEFFIANTLY stood there an hour and a half and no one came out .. Bad Karma Maybe? so i guess what it comes down to is it was a bitter sweet day. The show was perfect and i am soo lucky to have seen it..but i would be lying if i said i was alittle dissapoitned on the way home..i mean i DID get my hopes up..but when you are so excited to have those things happen just makes it seem that much worse.. So I decided all i wanted for Xmas was to see it again... before Idina leaves.. (so it would prolly have to be way early xmas present)..that way i can try for another day..and another time.... overall i know i was fortunate to just experience the magic of visiting oz. ..but next time, ill try something different.... and i wont let ANYONE make me miss a train!! Updated On: 10/14/04 at 03:24 PM

Ilive4nyc Profile Photo
#1re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 3:46pm

I usually bite my tongue and don't respond to posts like this, but how about using spell check before you hit post! PLEASE!

"It's like I'm your lover or more like your ghost. I spend the day wondering what you do where you go" "A log is like this big around, you're lucky your head didn't fall off, you best get yourself to a hospital....
Updated On: 10/14/04 at 03:46 PM

#2re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 3:58pm

go ahead,bite yr tongue,4nyc-why criticise an enthusiastic kid?And before you correct someone else,check yourself.." about using spell check before you his post....?".Your spell check wasn't much help there,hmmm?"PLEASE",indeed! Updated On: 10/14/04 at 03:58 PM

#3re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 4:03pm

Thanks capnkidd... n NYC ..I hope you're happy now..i fixed stuff :-/

#4re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 4:07pm

come back to broadway soon!

#5re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 4:41pm

and*nudge*hey look,x3 dreams-4nyc went back & edited his/her post so he/she doesn't look like such a hypocrital critic!

#6re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 5:41pm

Glad you had a good time!

#7re: Bad Karma Maybe?
Posted: 10/14/04 at 6:50pm

hahahahaha well ya know i would comment.. but im too nice to say anything..i accept everyones spelling..right or wrong. re: Bad Karma Maybe?
