
Ruthie Henshall in British Annie

Ruthie Henshall in British Annie

#0Ruthie Henshall in British Annie
Posted: 2/23/05 at 8:44pm

I know there is a version of Annie with Ruthie Henshall i it, but it is rather difficult to find. I wondering if anyone had any audio clips or mp3s of it to listen to, so I know if it's worth buying. I've heard the "NYC" is much better than the B'way version and so is "Something was Missing" and "you won't be an orphan for long".

I don't like ice cream

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#1re: Ruthie Henshall in British Annie
Posted: 2/23/05 at 8:51pm

I have it. It's sooooooo worth it! it has the entire score (minus the reprises of maybe and tomorrow for some reason...) but anyway it has the entire orchestral score, the act one finale, the reprise of "Easy Street" and all the little tags and things. it's awesome. It's the only ANNIE CD I listen to. although it's high time for either a revival recording or a studio recording with the new songs "You Make Me Happy" (97) and "Why Should I Change a Thing?" (03)...
