Theatre games

#0Theatre games
Posted: 7/4/05 at 8:02pm

Hey Guys, I'm new here but I have a question.

I've been having a lot of trouble with theatre games and the like. I used to be and still am quite shy, so I find it hard to play these games and find them fun. I suck a handshake murder and I'm no good with games where I'm centred out.

I know this is a silly problem for an actor, but I don't find it difficult to act on stage, only to play these games.

Any advice on how to come out of my shell and feel more comfortable participating in these games? I feel like I've tried everything and have gotten nowhere!

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#1re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/4/05 at 9:46pm

Where do you live? Is there a local Improv class you can take?

Be the change you want in the world....

#2re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/4/05 at 9:53pm

are you nervous you'll make yourself look like a fool? i don't understand. theatre games are the same as acting in performance or rehearsal. you're taking a situation or a character and creating experiences with that. i feel like you're preoccupied about something?

Shelley_is_batty Profile Photo
#3re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 12:41am

Are you uncomfortable with the people? Becuase that make a difference when you don't have a lot of experience with theater games

"It's really crazy backstage. Just before the show started, Elaine Stritch got into a fight with stage hand, and then inexplicably started squeezing Hugh Jackman's buttocks. And by the time they had sedated her, she had punched out two cops and was holding Norbert Leo Butz hostage, threatening to kill one of his three names." -Nathan Lane

manders Profile Photo
#4re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 12:50am

I can relate! I can do stuff on stage because it's scripted and rehearsed. I can't do theater games because it's unplanned and I am bad under pressure. I know how you feel, Quando.

But the secret ingredient is love. Dammit.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#5re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 12:52am

yeah...I know exactly how you feel...I feel like there's this 'wall' that I need to cross to really start to get into it, but from some reason, be it feeling stupid or wahtever, I never fully cross that line.

Was that a fat joke?

InfiniteGirl Profile Photo
#6re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 1:34am

Find an improv school like Second City or The Groundlings where they start with the most basic exercises in building trust, feeling safe within the space, etc. If you're in a beginning improv class where everyone is in the same boat, I think you'll find that rather than intimidating, it's exhilerating! It's like grown up people all playing nicely together. But for that to happen, the playing does have to be nice. Sometimes improv turns cut-throat where people are trying to one-up each other for the quickest laugh - THAT's intimidating.

If you can't find a school that teaches basic improv, then get Viola Spolin's book on theater games (the bible!), pull a small group of people you trust together, and take turns coaching the exercises right out of the book, in order. You'll forget to be afraid, or feel stupid, or whatever, and begin connecting really quickly - promise!

#7re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 2:17am

Yes, SPolins book is amazing!

Racetrack Profile Photo
#8re: Theatre games
Posted: 7/5/05 at 2:31am

If it's improv don't feel bad. I'm the same way sometimes. I generally don't like theatre games just because I was never a fan of them in the first place. Also if it's improv you are worried about I'll tell you what my boyfriend says. He says that if it's the Freeze game don't try to be funny or comical just do whatever comes off the top of your head. Trying to be funny will add to the pressure. Also just some of my own advice don't be afraid to look like an idiot. Trust me we've all looked like idiots on and off stage. It's a natural part of life and growing as actors and people. Just be yourself and do the best that you can do. Lord knows I say some of the most idotic things at times, but I still move forward. Just relax and let whatever it is that needs to happen happen and the rest will come. Hakuna Matata! And Good luck!

"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear
