Boy from Oz on dvd?

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#1re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/1/05 at 11:17am

Not that I know of but someone did start a petition to get it on DVD...

#2re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/1/05 at 1:41pm

The Broadway cast was never filmed for a DVD. However, it appears Hugh Jackman will be performing it in Australia next summer, so who knows? I'd love to get that on DVD. re: Boy from Oz on dvd?

Markyjay Profile Photo
#3re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/1/05 at 11:29pm

Yeah he is . Im from Australia and i heard that he is playing it in one of our arenas - BIG HUGE PRODUCTION! Ill Be There!!!! Being in Australia it will go CRAZY. I saw the broadway show and the Australian version and they were both very different.

#4re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/1/05 at 11:39pm

I thought about going on a plane to Austrailia to see Hugh Jackman in it again... then I realized, I probably wouldn't even get tickets re: Boy from Oz on dvd?

I'm sure they recorded it for the archives, so someone somewhere has a recording of it... and there had been rumors afloat that they were going to actually sell a DVD recording of TBFO, but we have yet to see that happen.


#5re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/2/05 at 3:49am

Hey Korenglish, you proberly could get yourself some tickets, since more likely then not they will be sold online. re: Boy from Oz on dvd? Of course the question is whether you want to fork over the money for the airfare. LOL.

As for me, as much as I want to see it, I am iffy about the entire Arena concept as most shows which have previously been done in as an Arena show have been majorly dumbed down.
Updated On: 10/2/05 at 03:49 AM

Markyjay Profile Photo
#6re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/2/05 at 4:24am

I know what you mean, but i think that if you have a show like Boy From Oz and have it played in Oz with a crowd full of Aussies it would be an amazing atmosphere im sure. Just have to wonder how much the tickets are going to go for and if they will change the stage set up and include perhaps a catwalk or even perform it in the rounds even.

#7re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/2/05 at 5:31am

I think it will definately be an amazing feel. Of course knowning ones luck, I'd be sitting between two middle age housewives who will sing along to every effing word. Eh. At least I have Spelling Bee to look forward to next year at the MTC.

Markyjay Profile Photo
#8re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/2/05 at 5:50am

Hey Urban, Are you in Australia?

#9re: Boy from Oz on dvd?
Posted: 10/2/05 at 6:11am

Yeppers. A Queenslander currently residing in Melbourne (I just returned here after several years in the US).
