
New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman

New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman

#0New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/6/05 at 6:41am


The whole Variety article is here:


Mouse sings Jackman tune
Tony winner does song and dance for 'Now'


Walt Disney Pictures has acquired rights to the Cecelia Ahern novel "If You Could See Me Now" and will turn it into a tuner vehicle for Hugh Jackman.

Craig Zadan and Neil Meron will produce with Jackman and John Palermo.

The novel, from the 23-year-old daughter of Ireland's prime minister Bertie Ahern, is the first property acquired by the studio following an ambitious deal made by studio toppers Nina Jacobson and Dick Cook earlier this year to craft musicals that will utilize the singing and dancing skills Jackman displayed in his Tony-winning turn in "The Boy From Oz."

(edited for copyright)
Updated On: 10/6/05 at 06:41 AM

WholeLottaShakin Profile Photo
#1re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/6/05 at 11:13am

I know it says "6-year-old," but I'd love it if they got Mitchel Federan to play the kid. He was adorable in BFO. And as for the songwriter, I'd be interested in seeing Ahrens and Flaherty do it.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#2re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/6/05 at 11:30am

Sounds exciting. I love Hugh Jackman.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

#3re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:42pm

Hugh can pretty much do no wrong in my book, so I'm excited to hear more about this.

Musical Reviews & Profiles: www.girlcentric.com

#4re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/6/05 at 3:47pm

If you would like to read an excerpt from the book check this out.


Birgit Profile Photo
#5re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/7/05 at 6:04am

I'm so excited about this. I would love to see Hugh in another musical. re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman

#6re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/8/05 at 8:50am

I agree, I would much rather see him back on Broadway!

#7re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
Posted: 10/8/05 at 1:40pm

I was looking forward to him in the film version of CP Taylor's GOOD. But it seems that the finance has fallen through....that would have ben a good stretching role for him.
