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Member Name: Miki
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IN MY LIFE: Bring Your Ballerina Doll
 Oct 20 2005, 02:33:55 PM
As if I wasn't already intrigued, Jimmcf's Mommie Dearest/Can't Stop the Music comparison sealed the deal :)
re: RENT commercial
 Oct 20 2005, 02:19:17 PM
I haven't seen any posters in LA yet
re: What sparked your interest in musicals or movie musicals etc.?
 Oct 20 2005, 02:09:43 PM
Same for me with Grease. I just grew up on the movie. That in turn got me to give other musicals a chance & by the time I was like 10 I'd seen almost all the R&H musicals on film.
re: New Movie Musical for Hugh Jackman
 Oct 6 2005, 03:42:19 PM
Hugh can pretty much do no wrong in my book, so I'm excited to hear more about this.
re: In defense of the new Over the Moon
 Oct 6 2005, 03:39:34 PM
It's funny cuz the day the soundtrack came out I read a bunch of complaints that it was too over-the-top. Now it's too toned down. I don't find it to be either actually. I think it's the perfect medium (you don't have to be huge for film like you do w/ theater) Regardless I'm not certain who does it but that last random "moo" kills me every time.
re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
 Oct 6 2005, 03:36:06 PM
Yeah singing is better than no singing at all but would it kill them to do something other than SOL?
re: Idina Menzel Signs Major Record Deal..
 Oct 6 2005, 03:30:28 PM
Wow! This is great news for her! Congrats Idina!
re: New Tony Awards Category is crap...
 Sep 27 2005, 01:34:06 PM
Yeah it may be political but that's the nature of a lot of award shows. It doesn't keep me up at night though. Having said that, I for one think it's a great idea to finally have this category. Too many great performances have been passed over through the years.
re: Catch Me If You Can: The Musical...A First Look!
 Sep 27 2005, 01:24:12 PM
Ugh! I'm so jealous. What a dream cast even if it is just a reading.
re: Most Pointless Musical that is a HIT
 Sep 27 2005, 01:14:54 PM
I'd have to say Beauty & the Beast. The movie was near perfection IMO I just don't know why they didn't leave well enough alone. The end result was a lazy, glorified Disneyland stage show.
re: 'Wicked' star turned sour? No longer a golden girl...
 Sep 27 2005, 01:08:44 PM
I'd never heard that about Bea not wanting to photographed with the other women before. If it's true that's incredibly unprofessional & childish. You get paid a lot of money, the least you can do is sit down for a few photo shoots.
re: Hairspray- Welcome to the 60s%
 Sep 13 2005, 06:57:46 PM
Goodman's a frustrated singer. He'd totally do it.
 Sep 13 2005, 06:50:11 PM
Vegas has tried to turn itself into the Disneyland of the Desert for years now & it's pretty much succeeding. It's not your parent's Vegas anymore. But I'm not exactly certain that matters - Avenue Q's not exactly family friendly anyway...
re: Rude People in Theatres
 Sep 13 2005, 06:41:08 PM
She wasn't rude to me but when I went to see Miss Saigon on B'dway a few years ago there was a couple sitting next to me in the balcony. I could over hear their conversation & they were obviously on their first date. She kept asking him, "Why aren't we sitting in those seats?" as she pointed to the orchestra. She kept moping b/c they were sitting in the balcony. He was incredibly nice. I just hope for his sake that there wasn't a second date.
re: The best show you've EVER seen... that flopped.
 Sep 13 2005, 06:28:07 PM
Gotta agree with Once On This Island & Smile. Island was definitely the stronger of the two shows (one of my all-time favorites) but Smile had such a strong book & some really catchy songs. Not certain what happened there.
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