Beach & Rodriguez

RabbitRun Profile Photo
#0Beach & Rodriguez
Posted: 11/19/05 at 8:16am

Has anyone seen these two in "The Producers"; is there any chemistry between them?

#1re: Beach & Rodriguez
Posted: 11/19/05 at 12:08pm

Beach is absolutely fabulous (!) and is giving a phenomenal performance as Roger every night. Jai, on the otherhand, leaves a great deal to be desired. He hasn't yet seemed to grasp the over-the-top nature of the role and although he hits his marks and receives the usual laughs, he seems almost mechanical. Beach does his best to play off of him and although Jai might not be all that inspired, they work quite well together. It's definitely worth seeing again just for Gary's wonderful turn and those of Hunter Foster, Bill Nolte (who is perhaps the greatest Franz I've seen of all of them) and John Treacy Egan.

RabbitRun Profile Photo
#2re: Beach & Rodriguez
Posted: 11/23/05 at 8:09pm

BialyBloom ... I saw the show last night and totally agree with your comments. Beach's performance is pure magic, but he is given very little, and I mean "very little" to work with in his scenes with Rodriguez. Jai seems to be walking through the part in a lifeless almost cardboard cutout like manner. His singing also leaves a lot to be desired.

Also, I agree on Bill Nolte he is the best Franz to date, a real hoot. He was able to say more with his eyes and facial expression than Oscar ever did with all his dialogue. Egan was also quite delightful as Max. Hunter was out but, his understudy played Leo very well, and worked beautifully with Egan.

#3re: Beach & Rodriguez
Posted: 11/23/05 at 10:39pm

Jai strikes me as a performer who is always aware others are looking at him. In various publicity shots he seems to be looking at the camera and thinking "are you catching my best features?"

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

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#4re: Beach & Rodriguez
Posted: 11/23/05 at 11:42pm

perhaps poor Jai just had a healthy dose of Botox, We all know he is an EXPRT, Otherwise he wouldn't be on that tv show telling others how to live their chitty little lives, right? (LOL!) Now you know why it was called "Zanna DON"T!"

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor
