Urgent resume question

where's my shoe?
#0 Urgent resume question
Posted: 1/13/06 at 1:27am

I'm trying to update my resume to send in for StrawHat, and I came upon something that puzzled me. I was in a show that was a youth/community theater production. However, the lead actor was a moderately well known Broadway/film actor/writer. Should I indicate this? And how would I do so? Please help me asap. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to show off, but the show was original and not with a recognizable theater group, so I will probably omit it otherwise. Thanks in advance.

"I am concocting a seduction. I do not require a patissiere."-Boston Marriage

#1re: Urgent resume question
Posted: 1/13/06 at 9:17am

In an indented line underneath, put "starring Blah Blah." That's all you need to do.

example (should be set in columns):
BEOWULF THE MUSICAL! starring Terrence Mann

The Woman

Little Company Updated On: 1/13/06 at 09:17 AM

#2re: Urgent resume question
Posted: 1/13/06 at 11:56am

Don't worry about showing off, Where's My Shoe, that's what resumes are for! This is exactly the sort of thing you want to include on a resume as it sets you apart from the crowd. Good luck.

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#3re: Urgent resume question
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:20pm

Who was the actor?
