
Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?

Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?

where's my shoe?
#0Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?
Posted: 2/18/06 at 4:40am

The list of shows for next year was just posted at my university the other day, and one of the shows listed was The Music Man. This really surprised me, as most of the shows we do are darker/more obscure (recent musicals include Sweeney Todd, Nine, Cabaret, Promenade, Blood Brothers). But then someone told me that it is going to be done a la the current Sweeney revival, as in the actors also play the instruments. So, I'm wondering what you guys think about this? Not only as far as how well it works for this show, but is this going to be a trend now among educational and community theaters? Just thought it was something interesting to bring up.

"I am concocting a seduction. I do not require a patissiere."-Boston Marriage

where's my shoe?
#1re: Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?
Posted: 2/18/06 at 1:45pm


"I am concocting a seduction. I do not require a patissiere."-Boston Marriage

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?
Posted: 2/18/06 at 1:49pm

Actors play instruments in MOST productions of The Music Man. I'm assuming you know what it's about.

I have to wonder if the person who said that isn't mistaken, in a way. Maybe they know that actors play instruments in the show and automatically thought it was going to be like the Sweeney revival, because of that? I mean, I think it would sort of hurt the story if the actors WERE the orchestra for a production of The Music Man, being that the story involves learning to play instruments, and all. I guess I could see it working in some scenes better than others. It could work, I guess. Sort of.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

where's my shoe?
#3re: Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?
Posted: 2/18/06 at 1:57pm

Yes, Emcee, I do know what the show is entails. It is possible for the person to be wrong, but not likely, because more than one person agreed and rumors about productions at my school are usually right. We also tend to take an experimental approach to old material (as do a lot of educational settings). For example-we are doing Our Town this season, but the choir will be singing Coldplay instead of hymns. I have my doubts about how this concept will aply to the show, but I guess it's only relaly important to the story that the boys in the town don't learn to play the instruments.

"I am concocting a seduction. I do not require a patissiere."-Boston Marriage

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: Actors-as-musicians beyond the professional stage?
Posted: 2/18/06 at 2:12pm

Well, yeah, it working is contigent upon the specifics. I don't think it would be weird for like... Harold and Marian to play instruments, really. If it doesn't go overboard and take you out of the context, I think it might be kind of cool.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
