Random question

WiiCKED x3
#0Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 7:53pm

Has anyone actually had the best luck ever and was able to see Norbert in DRS? He's like always sick and i keep seeing Jason instead of him. Is he O.K? He has something wrong with his vocal chords; i forgot what it was. Jason was really good but i would perfer to see Norbert because he's soo amazing.If you DID have the chance to see him, does he sing good? Or does he like strain his voice a little, because if he's like this sick shouldn't he stop singing for a few months, he's not gonna get any better by singing at as many shows as he could in a week. I'm NOT saying that he shouldn't do anymore shows, definatly not! I'm just saying he should get a break: i hope he gets better!

#1re: Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 7:54pm

I'm hoping to see him in May when I go.

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#2re: Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 7:56pm

Well, I haven't seen DRS since October. But, I have seen the show 5 times...every time with Norbert. He is a phenomenal singer...he really is. He is so talented, does not strain his voice, it's always crisp and clear (at least, when I've seen him, don't want to generalize). He really gives his all...he ruptured a vocal chord, so I guess his voice may sound a bit different...for instance, on the new DRS vid on here, his voice sounds A LOT different than before this happened. I'm not really sure what's going to happen, but I am REALLY hoping for a full recovery...he is SO talented in so many aspects.

*cough for more information on NLB go to www.norbertleobutzonline.com cough*

Rebecca Profile Photo
#3re: Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 7:58pm

I actually just saw Norbert in DRS this Wednesday night and I thought he sounded fabulous. I know he's been missing a lot so I was worried he wouldn't be on but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not too sure what's wrong with him, but I thought he sounded comfortable and healthy. I wonder, though, if he performed at the matinee performance too.

#4re: Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 8:03pm

i hope he'll be in sunday! the show wouldnt be the same without him!!

WiiCKED x3
#5re: Random question
Posted: 3/24/06 at 8:10pm

i wanna see him soooo bad . you don't even understand :)
