
High School Musical Amateur Rights

High School Musical Amateur Rights

Broadway Boy 77
#0High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 5:29pm

So as my theatre teacher was browsing the MTI website in search of a musical for next year she came across the High School Musical rights, the website said that they will be released fall 2006. How do you all think the translation from the screen to stage will be? Will it be the new overdone high school musical ala BATB? I just thought it was interesting, and i hope we are able to get the rights because i would love to play Ryan. Just wondering everyone's thoughts on this.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#1re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 5:33pm

I think it's going to be immensely popular. If amateur companies are smart, they'll produce it, because it would sell VERY well, seeing as how popular the movie is.

broadwayfan12 Profile Photo
#2re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 5:34pm

i think that it could be a better musical then it was a movie, i would love to play sharpay she was funny, but i don't know if most people would want to do a disney channel movie.

Sierra Boggess is made of awesome!

GodIHopeIGetIt Profile Photo
#3re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 5:55pm

Dear god NO NO NO!
The fact that teens swoon over this movie isn't going to be helped by them puting it on... make them do a real musical for goodness sakes!

LilDiva05 Profile Photo
#4re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:29pm

My community teen theatre in my district is seriously considering getting the rights to HSM for our Summer 2007 production.


xM3L24x Profile Photo
#5re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:31pm

This is the worst idea ever.

Broadway Boy 77
#6re: High School Musical Amateur Rights
Posted: 6/15/06 at 10:25am

I agree that I think it would sell very well. It will also be the first spring musical in a new school so i thought it would do a good job of drawing people in to help establish the drama club. I was also wondering though if Disney will be adding new numbers into the stage version, as they did for beauty and the Beast. I would think they would seeing as the movie only has nine songs. And wasnt there word that Disney will be producing a sequel to the movie?
