Who else would see...

Mtay156 Profile Photo
#1Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:30pm

The Breakfast Club: The Musical???

I think its a great idea for a new Musical...what do you guys think?

Redhead0322 Profile Photo
#2re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:39pm

Ehh, no thanks. I just can't see someone singing:
"You just bought yourself another Saturday"
"Ooh, I'm crushed"
"You just bought one more"

#2re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:41pm

No. No. No.

First of all, this film to stage phase is getting old, and it hasn't been working very well.

Secondly, it's a great cult classic that doesn't lend itself particularly to musicalization.

Third, WHY?!?!?!

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#3re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:42pm

Depends, if someone wanted to seriously give it a crack, I'm all for it. But if somebody in a suit said, "Hmm, popular movie, musical time!!!! Somebody get on that", than I would rather take my little sister backstage at the Camelot tour.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

MimiLovesRoger Profile Photo
#4re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:42pm

Classic movie, but I can't imagine it onstage.

Elphaba Brice Profile Photo
Elphaba Brice
#5re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:46pm

Depends, if someone wanted to seriously give it a crack, I'm all for it. But if somebody in a suit said, "Hmm, popular movie, musical time!!!! Somebody get on that", than I would rather take my little sister backstage at the Camelot tour.

Hey! Shut up! I'm your little sister dodo brain!

Yes, I'm 13. Yes, I like Wicked. But, I'm not that stupid ditzy fangirl who dosen't know sh*t about Sondheim.

#6re: Who else would see...
Posted: 1/30/07 at 10:49pm

I can't see it as a musical.

But I think it would be really great as just a play.
It's really well set up for it- small ensemble cast, basically one setting. I would love a stage adaption... just no singing.

<--- me & Erin Davie =) omigod, omigod you guys...
