
Original Cast leaves Dorothy Hale after 1 month

Original Cast leaves Dorothy Hale after 1 month

myManCape Profile Photo
#1Original Cast leaves Dorothy Hale after 1 month
Posted: 11/6/07 at 9:13pm

Off-Broadway's The Rise of Dorothy Hale will welcome new cast members on Nov. 12.
Purva Bedi, Dina Ann Comolli and Matthew Cowles will join original stars Patrick Boll, Laura Koffman and Mark LaMura in Myra Bairstow's new drama that centers on Dorothy Hale, a film actress once married to famed American muralist Gardner Hale. Hale threw herself from her 16th-story apartment on Central Park South in 1938.


Why did they even bother? A one month contract? This show was surprisingly good for what appeared to be a no budget production, but the cast was by far the strongest suit. If anything was selling tickets to this it had to be Badalucco how can the show afford to lose him so early on?

"Have they come yet?"

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#2re: Original Cast leaves Dorothy Hale after 1 month
Posted: 11/7/07 at 12:40am

2 weeks ago I was walking down 46th Street just past 1:30 on my way to the Wednesday matinee of Pygmalion. Michael Badalucco was talking to someone in a car in front of the theatre. The stage manager was telling him he had to come inside for half hour and he got into a gigantic screaming match with him. Like right in the middle of the sidewalk and everything. He called the stage manager a variety of names I can't say here.

In other words, maybe he got fired. He's not a big enough star that it's impossible.

#2re: Original Cast leaves Dorothy Hale after 1 month
Posted: 1/17/08 at 3:59pm

and its been a long time since i've been here, but i saw a show that left me so ...confused. the rise of dorothy hale. i've never seen such a odd piece of work. now let me be clear that anyone working in the theatre and making money..thats great. but this show was in need of work. Laura Koffman and Patrick Boll are quite good and i hope we see more of them. Dina Camoli (sp) is good but seems to be directed to be a shrew, which doesnt seem to make sense. The Doorman. The doorman..needs to find an acting class. The actress playing Frida Kahlo seemed to be playing stereo type more than anything and the actor playing Harry Hopkins is way out of his element.
but what was so odd to me was the directing. actors barely sitting still for a moment and times seeming to yell their lines. The theatre isnt that big. Worse was what i perceive, and I am no authority, but a real lack of interpersonal relationships among the characters.
Not sure what the director was after but it did not assist in telling the story.
The music that was imposed between scenes was so bad i laughed out loud several time and the lady in front of me got the giggles.
again. i'm glad their working. wish they had a director with a better sense of the material
