Media & the strike

another_reprise Profile Photo
#1Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 9:09am

Sorry to start another thread on this but I didn't really see anything relevant in any of the other ones...

I'm curious as to how much media coverage the strike is getting. I'm in London for the semester so I don't really have access to American news other than the Internet and all I can find are articles about the failed talks this weekend. Is this really all the coverage the strike is getting?

It makes sense that the more exposure the strike is given, the more pressure both parties would be under to come to some sort of an agreement as soon as possible, rather than canceling an entire week's worth of performances without any more scheduled negotiations. I know theater isn't really at the front of the average American's mind, but New York is losing millions of dollars every day, and hundreds (or is it thousands?) of people are affected by the stubbornness of both parties involved. If a hit that big to the the NYC economy isn't news worthy I don't know what is...

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Updated On: 11/19/07 at 09:09 AM

IrishTerrier Profile Photo
#2re: Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 9:24am

To be honest I don't think this is getting nearly enough media coverage as it should be. Then again though, I live in Chicago and so I'm sure they get more there. Now that I'm in college I don't get the paper anymore, although I did pick up a copy of the trib yesterday, and there was a small article on sixth page, hidden beneath an article titled 'Know Your Bush Twins'

Updated On: 11/19/07 at 09:24 AM

another_reprise Profile Photo
#2re: Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 10:01am

Sadly, that doesn't surprise me...

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What's it matter in the least?
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Steve2 Profile Photo
#3re: Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 10:35am

Not sure exactly what you mean by "media". I get most news online:,, and have been covering this.
Obviously the New York media are covering this in much greater detail.

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#4re: Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 10:37am

It's the featured headline on right now. Picture and all!

another_reprise Profile Photo
#5re: Media & the strike
Posted: 11/19/07 at 10:49am

Have there been any television interviews? Does there seem to be a bias in the way the facts are being presented? Has there been any "analysis" as to how this has been affecting the city?

All I could find were articles saying the talks fell through, and I feel like the general public isn't really aware of how much the strike is hurting the city. Sorry I wasn't more clear before.

Does the sun really rise in the east?
Does the earth really spin around the sun?
What's it matter in the least?
What's real to me ain't real to everyone.
