Tony & Tinas Wedding

#1Tony & Tinas Wedding
Posted: 2/26/08 at 8:46pm

Hi all,

Long time reader, first time poster :)

I searched the board and couldn't find an answer. I have tickets for Tony & Tinas this weekend. What is the dress code for a Sat night? Ballgown? Formal Business? Business casual? Any insight is appreciated! :)

The_Jackal Profile Photo
#2re: Tony & Tinas Wedding
Posted: 2/26/08 at 8:53pm

I saw the show in Vegas, and I'm not sure that there is a specific dress code. I could be wrong, but I'm sure if you dressed like you would to go to a family wedding, you'd be fine. Of course, I'm not totally sure, so anyone please feel free to correct me if this is wrong information.

BroadwayBelle2 Profile Photo
#2re: Tony & Tinas Wedding
Posted: 2/27/08 at 3:08pm

When I went I wore jeans and a nice top. Some people were dressed up, some weren't.

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#3re: Tony & Tinas Wedding
Posted: 2/27/08 at 3:13pm

Welcome to the Boads! The show is great and dress is semi casual but basically if show up in something that you would wear to a wedding then you'll be in good business

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