
Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis

Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis

#1Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis
Posted: 6/13/08 at 1:58pm

I am going to see Disney's The Lion King to Indianapolis, Indiana and am wondering if I will be seeing the Cheetah or the Gazelle tour. The dates are from Nov. 19 to Dec. 29.

How can I tell if it's the Cheetah or the Gazelle tour? Also what are the diffrences between them, I want to see the Gazelle tour.


Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#2re: Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis
Posted: 6/13/08 at 3:48pm

I know what you mean, the website is no help at all.

as for differences, they should be minimal since they use what they call a "jump set" its too complicated to explain, but basically the 2 tours use parts of the same set from city to city. only noticeable diff from broadway is pride rock moving like it did in Toronto, from the wings, not from up under the stage.

and ofcourse the only other diff between the 2 are the casts, lol.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/27199361@N08/ Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#2re: Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis
Posted: 6/13/08 at 4:08pm

I just ordered tix today!

I think it's Gazelle. I'm pretty sure the Cheetah tour closes at the end of this season. I'll go check...

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#3re: Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis
Posted: 6/13/08 at 4:28pm

Okay, I'm fairly certain that I was correct. The Gazelle Tour Cast is absoluetly phenomenal(I saw them in Toledo just 2 and a half months ago).

For whatever reason, Disney doesn't seem to indicate in any way which cast is which on their website.

shatteredheart Profile Photo
#4re: Disney's The Lion King Indianapolis
Posted: 6/13/08 at 5:24pm

There is no more Cheetah tour, it closed several months ago.

You know in a way I owe it all to you. I thought losing you was a blow I could never withstand. Look how far I have come without anyone holding my hand. The day you broke my heart you handed me the chance to make a brand new start. You helped me find my way. There's still so much to learn. So many dreams to earn. But, even if I crash and burn ten times a day. I think I'm here to stay. I'm gonna find my way.
