
Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice

Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice

#1Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 1:27am

What I have :

white shirt
black vest
black pants
bowler hat (although it looks more like a top hat)

any tips?

Especially in the makeup area, I'm kind of lost. I have the general idea it just won't turn out right. I'm also having trouble deciding inbetween bright red, or black lipstick.

You're At Destiny's Crossroads...
Updated On: 8/31/08 at 01:27 AM

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#2re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 1:29am

do it NAKED...

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#2re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 1:34am

For the makeup I'd go for a heavy, stylish design that looks like he hasn't reapplied for several days. The scarier, the better.

#3re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 1:34am

Oh and I shuld probably throw in this tasty tidbit of information as well.

I'm a girl. Oh the joys of gender bending!

You're At Destiny's Crossroads...

#4re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 8:14am

Go rent "Wahtever Happened to Baby Jane" and get some make up tips from Jane.

#5re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 8:46am

also try mixing clown white with red which gives a strange very pale pink paste. i saw that done once and was very effective

canmark Profile Photo
#6re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 9:49am

The Stratford Festival is doing Cabaret this season. You can see pics of the Emcee on their website. Bruce Dow, who plays the emcee, has been likened to a chubby Boy George by some reviewers.


Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#7re: Emcee (Master Of Ceremonies) Costume Advice
Posted: 8/31/08 at 12:45pm

A chubby Boy George? Isn't that redundant?
