Patrick Stewart as Othello

dfwtheatreguy Profile Photo
#1Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 4:33pm

i was looking at the Shakespeare Theatre of DC's webpage and it seems that during their 97-98 season they did a production of "Othello" with Patrick Stewart in the lead.

i did a double take but then had to look at the production photos.

it's a "photo negative" production with othello as the only white man in all black cast. it looks like it is set in a modern african setting.

this is fascinating to me, it seems wrong, but i am sure that with patrick stewart at the helm it was a spectacular production.

"The theatre is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life." - Arthur Miller

#2re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 4:50pm

I've heard of OTHELLO done that way, so it's not very "revolutionary."

And don't forget that Olivier's OTHELLO (which he performed in blackface of his own creation) is considered legendary.

#2re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 4:56pm

I would have loved to have seen James Earl Jones in the role. Supposedly the person playing Iago (sorry, forgot the actor's name) was so good that the audience booed when he got arrested.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#3re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 5:22pm

The Iago was a gentleman by the name of CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER?!? They didn't boo when he was arrested - the audience gasped when Iago took a dagger and castrated himself. But you were close.

#4re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 5:30pm

the olivier othello is a joke. Its painful to watch.

#5re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 5:47pm

Yeah, I knew it was someone famous but couldn't remember which one.

Huh, I could have sworn I read that somewhere when I was doing research for my English paper on Othello. In fact, I think I used it in my paper--I'll have to look it up.

Edit: Found it--sorry, it's been like five years since I've read this

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 3/12/09 at 05:47 PM

#6re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 8:50pm

Goddess - maybe it is the difference between Washington and New York audiences. In New York, it was definitely the horror and pain of self mutilation that got the audience riled up. (I was there - so it is first hand knowledge on my part.) I cannot imagine any audience relating well to Iago! Must have been an off night -

#7re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/12/09 at 9:31pm

Oh, I actually think it's important that the audience really connects with Iago--all he has to go on is his charisma and wit, and you need to know why everyone likes him so much. Otherwise, Othello's demise would be more unbelievable.

But I've always had a soft spot for Iago--he's my favorite character. I mean, not that I'd want him to be my best friend because he obviously has some sort of personality disorder, but yeah. re: Patrick Stewart as Othello

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#8re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/13/09 at 7:56am

Wow - LIKE Iago? About as much as one can like Bernie Madoff. The man may be charismatic and clever but he has no redeeming qualities. He is eaten up by envy of Othello - will taunt him into acts of violence against an innocent woman, ruin Cassio's life and career, and he beats and humiliates his wife Emilia. I think that qualifies as more than a personality disorder. The instructor's comment you cited is pretty misleading - the audience may have been booing when Iago is "arrested" (he is actually about to bleed to death so I don't think it matters that he is being taken into custody) not because they don't want him to be taken but because Iago deserves to be reviled. It is a fascinating manipulative character but hardly an appealing one - even when a great actor like Plummer makes him seem "special."

#9re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/13/09 at 10:55am

I dunno, it's just what the professor said--maybe they were booing for that reason. Like I said, I hadn't read it since I wrote that paper back in high school. And I certainly didn't know about the castration part back then...

The thing is that people with anti-social personality disorder tend to be extremely likeable. They have to be, or else they wouldn't be able to function as they do. You mention Iago as an abusive husband: abusers are often liked by everyone, which is why the wife is not believed. I always was taught that you're supposed to fall under Iago's charm because otherwise you wouldn't understand why the rest of the characters are so under his thumb. It's like how Humbert Humbert seduces the reader in Lolita. Yes, he is doing despicable things, which is why it's all the more terrifying that he comes off as an extremely likeable person. And, then, in the end it all comes crashing down, of course.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 3/13/09 at 10:55 AM

Weez Profile Photo
#10re: Patrick Stewart as Othello
Posted: 3/13/09 at 3:17pm

I like to differentiate between characters and people. You can think someone is a great character and fab to watch even though you'd be horrified to know them in real life. I *have* to differentiate between "great watchable character" and "person I'd like to be friends with", otherwise I could never watch Oz. XD

TL;DR - you don't have to want to be friends with Iago to think he's a great character. Which he totally is. :3
