Musical theatre and Religion

#1Musical theatre and Religion
Posted: 3/25/09 at 4:51pm

Hey guys, i'm doing a musical theatre degree in England and im in my final year. As part of my degree i have to do an extended essay of my choice. I have decided to do my essay on musical theatre and religion, questioning whether certains shows are portrayed as blaphmous? whether they are gettin more controversial over the years. The main 3 i chose were Godspell, Jesus Christ Superstar and Jerry Springer the Opera..... If any one has any opinions on this matter i would but very greatful for any feed back and opinions to add in my essay! Thankyou!!!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2re: Musical theatre and Religion
Posted: 3/25/09 at 5:10pm


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2re: Musical theatre and Religion
Posted: 3/25/09 at 5:17pm


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