How Fun!!!

#1How Fun!!!
Posted: 4/3/09 at 9:56pm

I just wanted to say that I love Seth's "30 Deconstructions in 30 days" hilarious and totally entertaining. Can't wait for the next one...

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#2re: How Fun!!!
Posted: 4/4/09 at 9:57am

I agree! I love Seth and am looking forward to more videos!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

#2re: How Fun!!!
Posted: 4/4/09 at 11:46am

They are really good.

MrSweetNAwful Profile Photo
#3re: How Fun!!!
Posted: 4/4/09 at 6:20pm

I've always loved Seth's deconstructions and I'm so excited to be treated to one every day for a month!

You're reminding me of people you hear at the movies asking questions every ten seconds, "Who is that? Why is that guy walking down the street? Who's that lady coming up to him? Uh-oh, why did that car go by? Why is it so dark in this theater?" - FindingNamo on strummergirl

"If artists were machines, then I'm just a different kind of machine...I'd probably be a toaster. Actually, I'd be a toaster oven because they're more versatile. And I like making grilled cheese" -Regina Spektor

"That's, like, twelve shows! ...Or seven." -Crazy SA Fangirl

"They say that just being relaxed is the most important thing [in acting]. I take that to another level, I think kinda like yawning being partially asleep onstage is also good, but whatever." - Sherie Rene Scott
