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American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?

American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?

#1American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 9:27am

I know that people said the lottery was ridiculous at the first preview (100 people for 20 seats, I think it was?), but times have changed, specifically it's been a couple days. Sorry if this has already been answered (search turned up nada), but has the rush/lottery cooled down somewhat? Are they still holding it at the St. James or at a seperate location? What's the outlook for a Saturday matinee?

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 9:54am

There were maybe 35 there for the lottery for this past Saturday's matinee. My friend and I did not win, but they did have the partial view orchestra seats for $37 available.

ETA- It's 25 seats. Updated On: 3/30/10 at 09:54 AM

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#2American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 11:25am

There were about 30-35 at yesterday's (Monday's) lottery as well.

We didn't win either. They also offered the $37 partial view yesterday, but we opted to just try another day.

For what it's worth, I've rarely felt older at a rush/lottery. Lots of tweens with backpacks.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#3American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 11:31am

There are also $32 seats in the rear mezzanine for every performance, I believe. They might be sold out, though.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

#4American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 11:38am

The $32 tickets are in the rear balcony last 2 rows
not the Mezz. Rear mezz is $77

defygravity24 Profile Photo
#5American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 1:33pm

where are the lotto seats? front row?

defygravity24 Profile Photo
#5American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 1:33pm

where are the lotto seats? front row?

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#7American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 1:37pm

The front two rows of center orchestra.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#8American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 1:48pm

Yeah, everyday other than first preview there's been less than 50 people at the lottery. But for the record, there must have been 150 at the first preview. Out of control.

#9American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 2:44pm

I went on Friday, 3/26 and there were probably 50-75 people there, yet I won. My first time winning any Bway lotto other than [title of show] lol. The seats were pretty good, except it is a very big show and probably would be viewed best from the mezz to get an overall picture.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#10American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 7:24pm

My mom and I (yes, my Mom and I.) are lottoing on Sunday for the mat, what do you think the odds are of more people?

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#11American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 7:27pm

The odds are 1 (because its student lotto and your mom can't enter) out of how many people are there.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#12American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 7:36pm

Maybe their mom is a student!

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#13American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 8:00pm

True TalkinLoud, then your chances are 2 out of how many people enter!

threetwoone Profile Photo
#14American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 8:36pm

haha actually the chances are not just 1 out of how many people enter. They're slightly higher, taking into account how many seats they're giving out, and taking into consideration that when somebody wins, their name is then taken out of the drum and your chances are greater.

Say 50 people show up and they give away 12 pairs of seats (for simplicity sake .... 24 seats total, and each person wins a pair).

The probability is 1/50 + 1/49 + 1/48 +...+1/38 = about .215, or a 21.5% chance.
as opposed to just 1/50 which is 0.02, or a 2% chance.

Yay for high school probability!

Edit: Oh, and if your mom is indeed a student, then you just times it by two! lol... Updated On: 3/30/10 at 08:36 PM

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#15American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 9:48pm

Lol no, shes in her 40s, we just really want to see it, and my initial question was in the neighborhood of "will there be mobs of people or...less than mobs"

ljay889 Profile Photo
#16American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 10:00pm

I won last night (monday). Second row center. Totally worth it.

#17American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 10:09pm

Their website specifically says they have 21 seats to give away.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

ljay889 Profile Photo
#18American Idiot Rush/Lottery: How Bad We Talkin' Here?
Posted: 3/30/10 at 10:11pm

They gave away 25 last night.
