Audience Rewards members pre-sale started today and I got tickets in the rear mezz row r center 101/102. I've never been in the Neil Simon. How is the view? Thanks.
I'm an audience rewards member and I never got an email with a presale code
The Neil Simon isn't huge, you should be fine, especially since you're center.
I didn't either. I called audience rewards and gave them my account number and they gave the code.
I'll try that. You're the best, thank you!
Tickets for Catch Me If You Can are already on sale?!
For american express cardholders and audience rewards members.
Marc - I thought you only did Standing Room Only when you saw your shows
I'm older now, I need to sit as often as possible!
So unlike your protagonist, since you will be seated, you will be easy to "catch."
Good to know
I sat there when I saw Ragtime and I only missed 1/2 of the top tier, and that's not an issue for CATCH ME so i think you'll be fine
I can't get mine until they go on sale to the general public December 5th. Oh well. I can't wait!!