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Changing the ending of Rent

#1Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:28pm

Why do directors feel they can changed anything they want. I just saw a production of Rent where Mimi died at the end....didnt jump over the moon to come back .... just dead.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:29pm

Where did this production take place?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:47pm

Like just now? Like a Monday afternoon show? And then you were compelled to join BWW and post about it?

BwayTday Profile Photo
#3Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:52pm

Eh, it's a plausible ending really. I know a few "Rentheads" that think she should die, because it is more "realistic"... The only real problem with that is that it totally changes the tone of the finale. Her dying really changes the intention that Jonathan Larson had, which is ultimately why it shouldn't be done.

#4Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:53pm

That exact same thing happened to this girl in my class. She had AIDS but her dream was to be a performer and even though her doctors advised her not to do it, she did a community theater production of RENT on the last Monday matinee performance she died on the table in the last scene. It was so sad. Act up fight aids y'all.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#5Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:53pm

Nope saw this over the weekend. Been a member just new id.
Updated On: 4/25/11 at 06:53 PM

#6Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:54pm

Me to that's so ironic.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#7Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:54pm

Namo, that same thing happened to my friend Joyce DeWitt last Monday.

#8Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:56pm

You can't cut the s--t out of that show without expecting mother nature to retribute or whatever.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 6:57pm

And ironically Joyce played Mother Nature in my niece's third grade play last year.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#10Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:18pm

What's your other name and why did you change it to post this?

So does everyone sing the finale while Mimi lies there dead or did the show just end with her dying? Does Mimi coming running in with Angel at the end, then? Is he out of drag and she out of her hot pants?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:20pm

They come running in from opposite ends of the stage and do a gag where they pretend to run into each other, knocking each other out. Then they get up and laugh and bow. It's funny and it makes the audience more comfortable with AIDS.

BwayTday Profile Photo
#12Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:21pm

More shows should have a Monday matinee. Great untapped market.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#13Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:21pm

"There is no future. There is no past. Thank God this moment was her last!"

#14Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:23pm

like slow motion running-milli vanilli chest bumps?
I really hope that's how they do it.
that would make me comfortable about AIDS.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#15Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:24pm

More like a running to hug and not paying attention and "omigod we just smacked our heads together lolz" kind of run.

BwayTday Profile Photo
#16Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:29pm

Maybe they sang the finale while Angel descended from the heavens in a bedazzled robe to take Mimi to heaven. Get it? Because he is an "Angel". Really pound that metaphor into audience's minds.

#17Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:29pm

To answer your first question...Do you want your friend to know you hated the show because of the ending...This is why.

After an awful cut into "Her Eyes" he gets to the end, she dies and he doesnt sing the last "MIMI" at the end...they check her out...she is dead then Mark sings the "there is now future, there is no past...Thank god this moments not our last" Then like a verse later Angel appears (not in drag) hugs Collins and wakes up Mimi from the table. They sing the rest.

Ok it could just be on Hell of a resurection...or maybe they are all dead.

#18Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:30pm

Does half the cast not come out at the end as well so we can assume they died as well?
that can really make audiences comfortable with the subject matter.

Better yet, can they just add the 'Out TOnight' mega-mix at the end and do a dance routine and bring people from the audience to dance along so we can dance the AIDS away??
oh wait- Priscilla's got a hold of that one.

BwayTday Profile Photo
#19Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:31pm

Mark kinda sounds like a prick, like "well she died....but WE didn't. Yaaaay".

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#20Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:31pm

What's the name of the theatre company?

#21Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:32pm

It was just wrong on so many levels...

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#22Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:34pm

It's at Towson University.

#23Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:37pm

"Her Eyes" is my favorite song and I can't believe they would cut that in any way shape of forum.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#24Changing the ending of Rent
Posted: 4/25/11 at 7:38pm

Isn't that a Peter Gabriel song?
