Foster, you're a tool.
That makes as much sense as me saying that you like any show starring cute guys under age 30. Although, that probably has more truth to it than your Rath accusation.
Concerning the actual thread topic, I agree with ashley:
"I loved the show. I thought it was a great throwback to traditional musical comedy from one of the all-time greatest songwriting teams. Great songs, fun show."
Meanwhile... even though she has a reputation of playing tough gal roles, I don't think Debra Monk is actually a lesbian.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/12/06
I'm with Scarywarhol, I thought the ending was extremely predictable. The show had a good run, I like how someone feels compelled to write an article about the failure. It never was a runaway hit and the reviews were never that good. The reason the show stuck around as long as it did was because tourists went to see it for DHP. Without him, the show would have probably had a much shorter run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Rath loves/worships/desires Deb Monk AND Karen Ziemba, but even SHE hated STEEL PIER.
I think it is looking a little too much into reasons as to why the show closed. I think I have to agree most with Dancin Thru Life. It really wasn't one of those shows I wanted to make a repeat visit to (except to take my mom, which I ended up not doing). Okay, I was thinking about going again, but it wasn't on the top of my list of shows to see. I think most who wanted to see it saw it. If you like traditional, old-fashioned musical comedy, this show was for you. Although I liked some of the songs, I thought the music was overall bland and found myself skipping over much of the cast recording.
This is just my opinion, but I don't always let one song from a televised performance influence my decision on not to see a show. I haven't really seen that many stellar Tony performances in the past few years anyway.
Overall I give Curtains about a 6-7/10.
I indeed love, worship and desire Debra Monk. However, I leave the worship and desire of Ms. Ziemba to you, Jon. My love for her is purely of the platonic variety.
But yeah, STEEL PIER. *shudder*